Six out of ten Basque workers carry out their activity connected to the Internet

by time news

2023-08-14 13:45:31

More than 60% of workers in the Basque Country carry out their activity with a computer connected to the Internet. This figure places the connectivity of the Basque Country in an intermediate position at the European level, exceeding the averages that apply in countries such as Portugal and Italy, and being very close to the figure for Germany (61.6%). In addition, it highlights the evolution experienced in the territory, which has raised its score by almost 10% since 2017. Only between 2019 and 2020 it added four points to this graph.

The data arises from the analyzes carried out by the technological Pandora FMS, according to the statistics published by the Ontsi (National Observatory of Technology and Society) and Eurostat (the European statistical office), which leave the number of the territory at 60.51%. , still far from the values ​​reached by the Scandinavian countries (76.6%).

The Basque figure represents a slight improvement compared to the national average, although it is behind the value reached in Madrid, where it reached 71.6%. It is followed by Catalonia, with 62%, and the Basque Country in third position.

«The implantation of computers with Internet connection in the day to day of the workers indicates several things. But the two fundamental ones, especially for companies, is the importance of having a good security wall and software capable of managing all the data that is generated”, has claimed the CEO of Pandora FMS and expert in IT and security management. , Sancho Lerena. As he remarked, beyond indicating “basic knowledge on the part of the workers”, the connectivity index reflects a willingness to open up to more efficient processes “both in terms of obtaining and managing data, as well as controlling an entire IT infrastructure”, he stressed.

next goal

The digitization of the company appears as one of the great objectives both for the European Union (EU) and at the level of Spain. The challenge for the year 2030 in the EU is to reach 75% of leading companies in the use of technologies such as Big Data, Artificial Intelligence or the Cloud. These are developments that, for the moment, are still in their early stages of implementation.

The results obtained throughout Spain also show it as a country with potential to improve and far from the bottom. In order to improve them, beyond investing, it will also be necessary to do so for the training of specialists, called to provide an advantage both in the current transition and in the future.

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