Invest in Children | UNICEF

by time news

2023-05-29 19:16:20


We have identified five main axes in which Guatemala must invest progressively and strategically to reach all children: health; water, sanitation and hygiene; protection of children against all types of violence; education; and social protection that helps families face poverty and extreme poverty.

Although chronic malnutrition is one of the major problems that affects children and the country (46.5% of children under five years of age), in this exercise no specific costing was carried out because a series of strategic interventions are included that in as a whole and applied in an integral way, (health; water, sanitation, hygiene and decent flooring; education, particularly initial education from 0 to 4 years; protection of children against violence; and social protection for families in poverty), together with others would be addressing and combating the main causes that cause it, as well as the reduction of diseases and deaths associated with it.

By identifying the essential services, the coverage gap was estimated, that is, how many human resources, educational or health centers, equipment and other inputs, are required to reach all the children who need it. Based on this, it was estimated how many additional financial resources would have to be invested in each axis (for example: Education) and strategic item (for example: initial, pre-primary, primary education, etc.), during the next years to reach its goal. universal coverage by 2030, coinciding with the date established to meet the goals of the Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs.

The progressive increase in public investment in these five axes will allow children, their families, communities and the entire country to achieve a level of development, competitiveness and progress for all.

It is strategic, smart, profitable, fair and possible. The moment is now.Together we can achieve 100% instead of just some.

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#Invest #Children #UNICEF

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