Iran denounces foreign ‘silence’ after deadly violence

by time news

Iran on Saturday denounced the “silence” of the international community after recent deadly attacks in several cities of the country, qualified as “terrorist” acts by the power. Thirteen people were killed on October 26 in an attack on a Shiite shrine in Shiraz, southern Iran, claimed by the jihadist group Islamic State (IS).

The statement comes amid protests sparked by the September 16 death of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Iranian Kurd who died after being arrested by vice squads in Tehran. This Saturday again, three demonstrators were killed on Saturday by Iranian security forces in Kurdistan. As of November 12, at least 326 protesters had been killed.

Tehran, which sees most of these demonstrations as “riots”, notably accuses foreign forces of being behind this movement to seek to destabilize the Islamic Republic.

“Strengthening terrorism in the world”

“The deliberate silence of foreigners, initiators of chaos and violence in Iran, in the face of terrorist operations (…) has the consequence of encouraging terrorists and strengthening terrorism in the world”, declared the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. in a press release, published by the official agency Irna.

On Wednesday, ten people were killed in two motorcycle attacks in Izeh (southwest) and Isfahan (center), according to officials and media. The official Iranian media had notably attributed the attack in Izeh to “terrorists”.

In Mashhad (north-east), two paramilitaries were stabbed to death on Thursday as they tried to intervene against “rioters”, according to the Irna agency. The Judicial Authority Agency announced on Saturday the arrest of the alleged perpetrator of the attack. “It is the duty of the international community (…) to condemn the recent terrorist acts in Iran,” the Iranian ministry said again.

Nuclear: Tehran accuses Washington, London, Berlin and Paris of pressure

Iran also accused its “enemies” on Saturday of seeking to exert “maximum pressure” on Tehran, as negotiations to revive the 2015 Iranian nuclear deal stalled. “In recent days and weeks, enemies of the Islamic Republic have tried to influence the situation in Iran,” Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abollahian said.

“We consider these incidents to be part of the pursuit of maximum pressure by the United States and three European countries against the Iranian people,” the minister said during a press conference in Tehran with his Omani counterpart. Badr Al-Boussaïdi.

He was referring to the resolution of the United States and the E3 (United Kingdom, France and Germany), criticizing Iran and adopted Thursday by the board of governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). “Two weeks ago a delegation of officials from the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Iranian Atomic Energy Organization had a constructive meeting with Rafael Grossi”, the director general of the IAEA, said the minister.

“But suddenly, in order to influence the internal environment and exert maximum pressure, and in line with the extremely hypocritical US policy, they put a resolution against Iran on the table and once more abuse of the Agency for political purposes,” he added.

In London, two Iranian journalists threatened

London police response vehicles and armed officers were deployed in front of Iran International Persian-language television, two UK-based journalists of which faced threats from Iran, the report said. Saturday channel. “The police, just like the government (…), gave us enormous support”, greeted the spokesman of Iran International.

This London-based Persian-language television channel reported on November 7 that two of its journalists working in the UK had received death threats from the Revolutionary Guards (Tehran’s ideological army).

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