QR line on gas cylinder | Dinamalar

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CHENNAI- Public sector oil companies have decided to print a secret code called ‘QR line’ on cooking gas cylinders to prevent irregularities including underweight.

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Public sector oil companies Indian Oil, Bharat and Hindustan Petroleum sell cooking gas cylinders of 14.20 kg for households and 19 kg for commercial use.

They are distributed through gas agencies appointed by oil companies.

Complaints are raised that the cylinder weight is under-distributed at some places. This is due to some agencies and their staff.

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Therefore, oil companies advise you to check the weight while buying the cylinder.

Subsequently, oil companies have decided to print a secret code called ‘QR code’ on cooking gas cylinders to prevent weight loss irregularities.

If customers ‘scan’ the code on their mobile phones, they can find out details such as the weight of the cylinder, the plant that filled the cylinder, the date, and the agency from which it came.

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