Iranian Activist Faces 12-Year Sentence for Single Point in Response to Supreme Leader’s Tweet

by time news

Rome, September 2, 2024 – Tough life for Iranian activists disliked by Ali Khamenei. Blogger Hossein Shanbehzadeh was imprisoned in June for posting a single dot in response to a tweet from the Supreme Leader. The ‘foolish’ gesture by Shanbehzadeh cost him 12 years in prison.

“Zionist Propaganda”

His lawyer, Amir Raesian, clarified on X: “According to the verdict issued by Section 26 of the Revolutionary Court in Tehran, he was sentenced to five years in prison for propaganda in favor of the Zionist regime, four years for insulting the sacred, one year for propaganda against the system, and two years along with a fine of 50 million for publishing lies.” The lawyer emphasized that his client must serve at least five years, the longest of the sentences for the charges against him. The decision on whether to appeal the sentences will be made with his client.

A dot in a post

The case is quite unique because Shanbehzadeh was arrested and accused of espionage for Israel last June, just a few days after responding with a dot to a post on X featuring Khamenei posing with the national volleyball team, which was missing that punctuation mark.

The dot went viral

The trouble for the activist was perhaps the great success of his post, which went viral among likes and anti-government comments. Immediately, the regime suspended the account of the well-known publisher and activist who has long criticized the situation in Iran, but always with playful tones on social media.

Repression in response to social tensions

Indeed, Shanbehzadeh is not new to the Iranian Justice: in 2019 the activist was sentenced to six years in prison for criticizing the leader of the Islamic Republic but avoided jail time. The activist is just the latest case in a country where repression against artists, women without hijabs, and critics of the Islamic Republic’s policies reflects the difficult economic situation and social tensions.

Artists and opponents targeted

In May, director Mohamad Rasoulof had to flee the country after being sentenced to eight years in prison, flogging, and confiscation of his film properties. In June, cartoonist Atena Farghadani was sentenced to six years in prison for “propaganda against the Islamic Republic” and “insulting the sacred.” And new sentencing for reformist political activist Mostafa Tajzadeh, who is already serving a five-year sentence since July 2022 for “propaganda against the system” and “conspiracy against the country’s security.” He has now been charged with the same accusations in a new case and risks another six years in prison.

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