Iris out of “Celebrity Big Brother”: Peter cried when he said goodbye | Entertainment

by time news

2023-12-02 04:09:18

No more chance of the big reconciliation on TV…

Iris Klein (56) is out of “Celebrity Big Brother”. Thanks to the voting of the viewers in front of the screens, they reached the end of the twelfth live show on Friday night just a few days before the grand finale.

She caused THE trash sensation at the end of the year. Iris and her husband Peter Klein (56) together in TV prison. Even before moving in, the quarreling ex-couple lived separately because of his alleged jungle affair with Yvonne Klein (41) and was hopelessly at odds. On “Celebrity Big Brother” both of them couldn’t even avoid each other.

But several discussions initiated by big brother failed. Iris constantly accused her ex of destroying the marriage. He denied everything. In return, Katzenberger’s mother entertained the celebrity pack in the container with all sorts of frivolous stories from her life and was just opening up about three-way sex there.

There was no big reconciliation between Peter and Iris, but there were a few tears when they said goodbye

Photo: SAT.1

Nevertheless, it was over now. Iris was on the exit list together with reality star Matthias Mangiapane (40) and influencer Marco Schlitzer (21). The latter was released as a further participant during the show. However, the decision between Klein and Mangiapane was very close. Presenter Marlene Lufen (52) revealed in the studio before the announcement: “It’s a head-to-head race, and it changes every now and then.”

But in the end Iris had to go and was warmly greeted by all the TV inmates. The estranged woman even held her husband Peter’s arms for a long time and cried. What hardly anyone expected: Peter also had tears in his eyes. An unexpectedly intimate breakup.

Matthias Mangiapane is beside himself because Yeliz nominated him

Photo: SAT.1

Iris in front of the container to presenter Jochen Schropp (45): “I’m feeling great. I’m looking forward to the Christmas market tomorrow and a bratwurst.” And about Peter: “I think we’ll meet again outside, privately in private.” What she wishes for him: “That he’ll rock the thing.”

One person wasn’t entirely innocent of Iris’s departure: reality star Yeliz Koc (30). She was chosen as his successor by container boss Mangiapane the day before. Yeliz, new in office, was allowed to put three candidates on the exit list and, as a “thank you,” included her predecessor, as well as TikToker Marco Stecker (21) and Iris.

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The trio was horrified. Matthias complained like a fool and saw Yeliz’s action as a “kick in the ass”. The otherwise quiet Marco joined in the swearing marathon. In the consultation room, the influencer raged: “Yeliz showed her true face and stabbed us all in the back.” Meanwhile, Matthias regretted having given his position to the TV star.

The perpetrator was allowed to hear a lot from him. With a lot of anger in his stomach, Mangiapane attacked Yeliz: “I’ll be persuaded to elect you as container boss today. I didn’t even vote for you when I was still boss.” A reconciliation between the two didn’t last long. Koc did apologize to Matthias, who even cried out of desperation. But soon she had to deal with the next nominee.

Despite the party, there was only a moderate mood in the house

Photo: SAT.1

The fact that “Celebrity Big Brother” gave the residents a party didn’t make the mood any better. Now Iris Klein also burst out. She would never have expected something like that from Yeliz in her dreams. At Mangiapane, Mama Klein complained: “I have never been so disappointed in my life. It’s like a knife in the back.” She got along so well with the new container boss. “I pour my heart out to her and tell her things. It hurts so much. I would have expected it from anyone, but not from her.” Iris rejected Yeliz’s offer to talk.

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