IRS whistleblowers allege mishandling of Hunter Biden probe, sparking calls to impeach AG Garland | CNN

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IRS Whistleblowers Testify on Handling of Hunter Biden Probe, Sparking Calls for Impeachment of Attorney General Garland

The House Oversight Committee is set to hear testimony from two IRS whistleblowers on Wednesday, regarding their allegations that the criminal probe into Hunter Biden was mishandled. The closed-door testimony of the whistleblowers, Gary Shapley and an anonymous deputy, has caused uproar among House Republicans, who claim that the Justice Department has become politicized in favor of Democrats and against conservatives.

Shapley, a 14-year IRS veteran who oversaw parts of the Hunter Biden probe, is expected to testify that the handling of the investigation was different from any other case he had seen in his time at the IRS. The anonymous deputy, referred to as Whistleblower X, will also testify, stating their duty to bring transparency to the investigation. Both whistleblowers claim that Justice Department officials hindered their efforts in the probe, including blocking prosecutors from filing felony charges.

The testimony has led to renewed calls for the impeachment of Attorney General Merrick Garland. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has expressed openness to an impeachment inquiry if the claims made by the whistleblowers hold up. McCarthy’s stance has fueled momentum among House Republicans eager to target President Joe Biden and his Cabinet.

Republicans have focused on allegations that US Attorney David Weiss, who is overseeing the Hunter Biden probe, said he could not make final charging decisions against the president’s son. Republicans argue that this contradicts Garland’s claim that Weiss had full authority on the investigation. However, both Garland and Weiss have refuted the GOP’s assertions.

Democrats have pointed out that internal disagreements among investigators, like those described by the whistleblowers, are common. They have also noted that many of the decisions the whistleblowers disagreed with occurred during the Trump administration. Rep. Jamie Raskin, the top Democrat on the Oversight Committee, is expected to address claims of political interference and criticize the GOP’s assault on the rule of law.

The White House has reminded Republicans that Weiss was appointed by Trump, highlighting the independence of the Justice Department in handling the investigation. The White House has called on Republicans to focus on issues important to the American people rather than engaging in partisan stunts.

The hearing with the IRS whistleblowers is seen as a step toward potentially impeaching Garland, although House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer indicated that the focus is currently on getting the facts out. Comer emphasized the importance of the whistleblowers’ testimony and claimed that it confirms the committee’s findings that there is something abnormal about the business activities of the Biden family.

Garland is scheduled to testify in September for a routine oversight hearing, and Hunter Biden is expected to plead guilty to two tax misdemeanors next week. Additional developments in the story are awaited.

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