Is an escalation expected in Yosh and Jerusalem? “The month of Ramadan is a time for calamities” | Listen

by time news

Major General Giora Island, former head of the MLA, spoke this morning (Friday) with Aryeh Eldad on radio 103FM about the security situation in the country in light of the recent attacks in Jerusalem and expressed his opinion on the military preparation for the month of Ramadan, which sometimes brings with it a rise in tensions and a real fear of escalation on the bank

“If we refer to our general security situation, it is overall good and stable,” Eiland noted. “Nasrallah makes statements, but I don’t think that specifically on the northern front a change for the worse is expected. Iran is also in great distress, and things that have troubled us throughout the past years, the stability of the regimes in Jordan and Egypt seem to be in good condition. Even Gaza, in the end the Israeli deterrence on the one hand and economic cuts on the other restrain the voices there that of course call for severe damage to Israel.”

He explained: “The flash point is Judea and Samaria and Jerusalem. Here I tend to agree that there is a worsening of the situation here, by the way it has been happening for over a year and a half, and the reasons for this are many. Bottom line, the distance today from the possibility of a more violent eruption on the side of Yosh is greater than it was Two, three, four years ago.”

Regarding the month of Ramadan, Eiland explained that “the month of Ramadan is prone to disasters for many well-known reasons. It may be that the reasons that call for calming the area are different, but I agree with the fact that Israel has no interest in creating a flare-up in Judea and Samaria. For the past 19 years, the Israeli security establishment has been operating under A few assumptions – first of all, it is not possible to reach a full political settlement with the Palestinian Authority. Secondly, the existence of a strong Palestinian Authority is an Israeli interest, and the conclusion from these two things is ‘let’s manage the conflict and not try to solve it, let’s maintain the status quo in almost everything’. This is the policy that the army is following, with the understanding that this is more or less what the political echelon wants, and most of the time it was the Netanyahu governments.”

“There is a new government, the so-called full right, which is perfectly fine if it holds a discussion or a series of strategic discussions and reaches other conclusions, for example that the existence of a strong and functioning Palestinian Authority is not in Israel’s interest, and the same in relation to the other things, and guides the security forces act differently than they have been doing until now. What is not normal is that things are beginning to change, not as a result of some sort of strategic review that descends downwards, but as a result of a collection of uncoordinated decisions, statements or actions, mainly in Jerusalem, those led by Ben Gabir – and this in itself is not a normal thing,” he explained.

IDF soldiers in Judea and Samaria (photo: IDF spokesperson)

IDF soldiers in Judea and Samaria (photo: IDF spokesperson)

“You can divide what is happening in Yosh into four parts. One, most of the area, from the south of Nablus to the south of Mount Hebron, in total is relatively quiet and under the partial control of the Palestinian Authority. Of course, every incident and every attack is a bad thing. Nablus and Jenin are an area that is different, but the IDF operates there In a way that I think is very successful for about a year. Third thing, terrorist attacks inside Israel that came out of the Yash, were stopped altogether. We are left with the issue of Jerusalem, Jerusalem is a problematic place.”

Assisted in the preparation of the article: Shani Romano 103fm

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