Is NATO growing to the east, and Russia and Europe on the brink of another war by raising their voices? | Wladimir Putin | Russia vs Ukraine

by time news

KmUkraine is now in the shadow of a growing NATO alliance, Russia, which is raising its voice, and fears of another war in the meantime. The solution is to join the NATO alliance as soon as possible. But things are getting to the point where they may have to pay a big price for this solution.

Observers have been warning for months that another war in Europe is not far off. There are those who warn that it may happen in a few months. Some G7 countries are warning that it may happen in January.

President of Ukraine Vladimir Selensky. Image: UKRAINE PRESIDENCY / AFP

It also underscores the argument that the deteriorating relations between Russia and Ukraine, the world’s second-largest nations in terms of geography, are taking things in this direction. This is validated by the reactions in recent days from the Russian side, especially from President Vladimir Putin.

‘Russia could attack at any time’

Ukraine reiterates that it fears Russia could attack at any time. Russia, which occupied Crimea, part of Ukraine in 2014, has also strongly supported rebels in the eastern Ukrainian region of the Donbass. In addition, Ukraine and NATO point out that Russia has recently deployed 90,000 troops on the border with warlike preparations in the name of national security.

Ukraine wants full membership in the NATO alliance and wants the alliance to come to their rescue. For this they have no knocking doors. But the NATO – led United States and the European Union – led Germany have two minds on what to do. This is because of the fact that they can not come to a decision so easily.

Vladimir Putin.

Russia, which has long opposed the entry of the European Union and NATO into its territory, has repeatedly threatened that it would cross the “red line” if it touched Ukraine. Over the past few weeks, Russian President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly said that the collapse of the Soviet Union was the collapse of Russia, and that Russia and Ukraine are one people, and that Ukraine’s true sovereignty can only be achieved by joining hands with Russia.

Warning to America

In a statement issued on November 30, Putin warned the United States that there were some red lines in Ukraine that should not be crossed. These red lines include the inclusion of Ukraine in NATO and the deployment of US troops there. Putin says any of this could lead to a strong reaction from Russia.

Putin says the United States and NATO have repeatedly rejected Russia’s warnings in this regard and are expanding NATO’s borders. Putin’s response was prompted by the recent deployment of NATO Ages aerial missile systems in Poland and Romania. Putin says NATO aims to deploy similar missiles in Ukraine, which would allow missiles to reach Moscow in 15 minutes, which would not be allowed.


View from the Defense Board Meeting in the Russian capital, Moscow. Image: Mikhail METZEL / SPUTNIK / AFP

Moscow has also been angered by recent joint military exercises between NATO and Ukraine. Russia says the drill, which is equipped with state – of – the – art warplanes capable of carrying nuclear bombs, was also aimed at them. Russia says it can not pretend not to see such things happening just 20 kilometers from its border.

A third world war?

The fact that no one wants a third world war is holding America and its allies back. At the same time, they are increasingly concerned about what Putin’s plans are. They understand the fact that neither the US nor NATO can easily stop Russia from waging a war in Ukraine. At the same time, many in the United States and Europe have already told the story of Hitler’s resistance to World War II.

Meanwhile, concerns in Eastern Europe have been heightened by the Joe Biden administration’s indications that Donald Trump’s slow US response was not right and that the goal is to move forward with NATO’s development. Observers say Putin has already made clear his mind in many ways, lamenting that Russia has lost everything it had gained in the 1,000 years since the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Putin dreams of a Russian-led Asia-Europe alliance rather than a German-led European Union. Moreover, Russia could never accept the US reaching its borders by joining NATO, the Eastern European countries left behind during the Cold War. That’s why Putin occasionally intensifies the color of the red line. From time to time there were indications from the Russian side that it was ready to go to great lengths for this.

Putin, Joe Biden.

The remnants of this led to the partition of Georgia with Russia’s blessing and the occupation of Crimea by Russia, which was part of Ukraine. In the case of Ukraine, too, most people think that Putin will go ahead with his decisions. Ukraine is the largest recipient of US military aid outside NATO. The United States has provided $ 2.5 billion in military aid to Ukraine since 2014.

US military aid has also arrived in Ukraine in recent days. Russia has also been angered by the purchase of state-of-the-art drones capable of carrying weapons from Turkey. They also know that they have the same goal. Ukraine has repeatedly said it is ready for talks with Russia as fears of war escalate. Russia, on the other hand, has adopted a policy of negotiating with NATO, especially the United States, on issues related to Ukraine.

Russia’s opposition

In 2008, the US and the European Union announced their intention to make Ukraine a member of NATO. Russia has been vehemently opposed to it ever since. Putin wants an agreement to stop NATO’s eastern expansion. Russia, in particular, has said it will block NATO’s entry into Ukraine, which is seen as a buffer zone between NATO allies and Russia.

One of the trenches prepared by Ukraine on the border. Image: Anatolii STEPANOV / AFP

For that, things are now moving towards attacking Ukraine and the fact that they may grow up. Russia may adopt this approach, not to conquer but to overthrow the puppet government they support. Otherwise, the eastern regions of Ukraine, including the Donbass, which is already under autonomous control of their own rebels, may be occupied or divided into another country.

Earlier this month, US President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin held talks on Ukraine as part of efforts to cool the issue. But no significant progress has been made. Moreover, the United States has warned that any drastic action taken by Russia in the case of Ukraine would have serious repercussions.

But these statements by US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken cast doubt on how long Russia can hold back. The reality is that NATO has not been able to do anything effective in the case of Georgia or to prevent the occupation of Crimea. The ensuing sanctions by the West have not been particularly effective. The NATO allies in Europe have two views on the issue.

Gas pipe brought to be installed on the shores of the Baltic Sea. Image: Odd ANDERSEN / AFP

What does Ukraine demand?

Ukrainian President Vladimir Selensky has repeatedly called on the United States to block Germany and the European Union from blocking the Nordstream gas pipeline. The $ 11 billion pipeline across the Baltic Sea supplies gas from Russia to Germany, without relying on Ukraine or Poland. Despite US efforts, Germany’s unwillingness to deny Russian natural gas, which is essential for winter energy, makes sanctions a weapon of choice.

Ukraine says it will use force to retake the rebel-held Donbass. But Ukraine is going to fall into a war on its own. The same threat is posed by Crimea, but it is clear by day that Ukraine does not have the strength to make a military move there, which is fully annexed to the Russian Federation.

It is clear that Russia has a specific goal behind supporting the rebel regime in the Donbass, a strategic eastern region of Ukraine. The fact that Ukraine will achieve this goal before it joins NATO also prompts observers to say that things are on the verge of war.

In the event of such a military move, the US is unlikely to be prepared for an open war with Ukraine. Some war experts warn that Ukraine will only have time to surrender to Russian forces, no matter what weapons it may use to strengthen itself. Moreover, they say, Russia aims to secure its buffer zone by splitting Ukraine in two, which does not even require an open war. As in the case of Crimea, it should come as no surprise that Russia later made this part their own.

English Summary: Is Russia and NATO Heading towards a War over Ukraine Issue?


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