Is Nicole Zeus or Apollo? They are doing well, they are criticizing, can they hang a hero’s medal from the suit? Eduard Sharmazanov – 2024-02-29 10:16:49

by times news cr

2024-02-29 10:16:49

Eduard Sharmazanov, a member of the RPA Executive Body, wrote:

“Nicolists, no pasaran!!!

Eat each other, accuse, curse, how will it be, there is still a handful of motherland left, you will waste it too, right?

That’s enough, one more…

The government cannot be so anti-state and apolitical.

Parliament is a place for talking and expressing opinions, not for flattery and flattery. They entered the “gonka” of the language like a 12-year-old teenager to satisfy Nikol and Ilham.

How will it be, Nikoli is being criticized?

Is Nikol Zeus or Apollo, let us know.

They do well, they criticize. Can a hero’s medal be hung from the “suit”? Whew.

You and your Nikol have denied Artsakh and depopulated it, ha-ya-ta-pel… do you understand?

You deny the heroic battle of Artsakh, Ararat with Noah’s Ark, the Declaration of Independence.

Do you realize what a mess you all got into?

You don’t realize it, that’s why you become a victim of proud ignorance, sacrificing the motherland.

Do not forget to flatter and applaud your capitulant boss tomorrow in the parliament.

You are actually turning yourself into a “regular regiment” or a “Trojan horse” of Azerbaijan against the national wills of the Republic of Armenia and the Armenian people.

It will not work.

Not pass!!!”.

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