Is Russia quitting the Internet? This is not quite the case

by time news – “Russia’s strategy could do not aim for an isolation of the national network from the global internet, but to greater control of inbound and outbound information flows “. This is what Antonio Pescapè, professor of information processing systems at the University of Naples Federico II clarified, in relation to the news circulated about a possible disconnection of Russia from the global Internet network, relaunched by the Nexta tv profile on Twitter and also by a profile linked to Anonymous, also on Twitter.

“From what we have been able to learn, also reading the translations of documents shared on Twitter, there would be the possibility that Russia is not aiming for a disconnection, but for the transfer of certain online servicespreviously housed outside its borders, inside, so as to reduce dependence on abroad ”.

And he added: “Assuming that this is the scenario, it is not clear what collaboration will be available from the suppliers of these services, for such an operation”. On the other hand, this could also be just the first step to strengthen control over data flows into and out of the Russian network. “Once the services are brought inside, the Russians could decide to drastically reduce the number of access points to their network so as to check incoming and outgoing information with greater simplicity and greater rigor “.

“It tends not to be convenient for Russia to completely separate itself from the global Internet – explained Pescapè – because this is the case it would prevent a whole range of activities ranging from simple propaganda to cyberwar activities. It is much more efficient to reduce the access points so as to better control what enters and what exits ”.

Both operations, both bringing in the aforementioned digital services and then reducing the access points to the Russian network, could be relatively simple to implement, which if nothing else would make possible the date circulated on the internet of 11 March next for the alleged disconnection – whether total or partial, says Pescapè.

In any case, even with both scenarios described in the field, there would always be some avoidance possibilities “It is good to clarify that any limitation of access points would be generalized – Russia, for example, could not afford to leave open a wider and ‘unattended’ way through the Chinese network – but there would still be the possibility of circumventing the partial block by using satellite links ”.

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