Is tooth whitening safe for health?

by time news

OUR HEALTH ADVICE – There are several ways to make your teeth whiter. But rare are those that do not damage the enamel.

Who hasn’t dreamed of having a dazzlingly white smile? In “smile bars”, on the internet, in supermarkets or in parapharmacies, there are countless products that are supposed to make teeth ultra-white. Some prefer grandmother’s remedies with “natural” products. But are these techniques as harmless as they seem? Which are really effective? Answers with a dental surgeon.

«Teeth stain in two places: on their surface and inside“Begins Dr. Christophe Lequart, dental surgeon in private practice and spokesperson for the French Union for oral health. “The external coloring is due to our lifestyle, to the deposits of coffee, tea, tobacco, to all the tannins that we consume and which are deposited on the surface of our teeth.“. These deposits can be easily removed with scaling and polishing carried out in a dental office. An act whose cost amounts to 28.92 euros…

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