Israel celebrates and the world welcomes Putin: “Relations will continue to develop for the benefit of our people”

by time news

In honor of Israel’s 74th Independence Day, President Yitzhak Herzog received greetings and photocopied greetings from dozens of world leaders, including the presidents of the United States, France, Germany, China, Russia, Turkey, and India, and the kings of Spain, Thailand and the Netherlands.

The President of the United States of America Joe Biden said in his photo greeting: “It is an honor for me to send the best wishes of the citizens of the United States to the 74th birthday of the State of Israel. In Israel as an independent state, only 11 minutes after its establishment. And in 74 years of progress and partnership, we have achieved a great deal together. From collaborations in groundbreaking scientific and technological research to the creation of new regional ties that will ensure Israel’s security. “The partnership between Israel and the United States was essential for the United States and I believe for Israel as well. The ties between us are strong. And I am proud to stand by Israel today and always. Happy Independence Day!”

The President of France, Emanuel Macron, who only recently won the elections in his country again, mentioned his deep connection to Israel. “The closeness between our countries has roots that begin with the human ties that connect us. You can count on me to work to strengthen it at all levels, including in the European Union. I wish you all a happy Independence Day. From me and the whole of France.”

Emanuel Macron President of France Photo: Jonathan Cindel Flash 90

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who hosted the president on a historic state visit in March, addressed the warming of relations between the two countries. “I sincerely believe that cooperation between our countries will develop in a way that will serve our mutual national interests, as well as regional peace and stability.”

Despite the war in Europe that led to a number of Russian statements against Israel, President Vladimir Putin also took pains to congratulate Israel on its 74th birthday: “I believe that relations between Russia and Israel, based on the principles of friendship and mutual respect, will continue to develop for our people “In the Middle East. I wish you good health and great success, as well as joy and prosperity for all the citizens of Israel.”


Putin Photo: shutterstock

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson tweeted: “I wish Israel and my friends Yitzhak Herzog and Naftali Bennett a Happy Independence Day! The United Kingdom has always stood by Israel and its right to live in a way that every country should live in: peace, prosperity, and security.”

King Felipe VI of Spain wrote to the President: “On the occasion of the Independence Day of the State of Israel, I would like to convey to you, Your Honor, my heartfelt congratulations together with the Spanish government and people. Please accept, Mr. President, my wishes for personal well-being, peace and prosperity “.

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