Israel Strike On Iran, Israel’s attack showed that its missiles can overcome Iran’s air defense system – israel strike on isfahan highlights its ability to evade iran air defense system – 2024-04-21 11:08:55

by times news cr

2024-04-21 11:08:55
tel aviv: Israel was attacked by Iran on the night of 13-14 April. After this, Israel took retaliatory military action against Iran in the early hours of Friday. The attack also damaged a defense system near the central Iranian city of Natanz, which is vital to the country’s nuclear weapons program. According to Western and Iranian officials, Israel damaged an air defense system, sending the message that Israel could bypass Iran’s defensive systems and paralyze them.
The New York Times, quoting two Western and two Iranian officials, said in its report that a defense battery near the city of Natanz in central Iran was damaged in the attack. This place is important for Iran’s nuclear weapons program. Israel attacked a S-300 antiaircraft system at a military base in Isfahan province. The radar of the S-300 system at the Eighth Sheikhri Air Base in Isfahan was damaged.

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Israel had fired the missile

Three Western and two Iranian officials confirmed that Israel had deployed aerial drones and fired at least one missile from a warplane. Earlier Iranian officials had said that the attack on the military base was carried out by small drones, which were launched from inside Iranian territory. Western officials said one missile was fired from a warplane away from Israeli or Iranian airspace. It included technology that enabled it to avoid Iran’s radar. This was a clear message that the Israeli army could overcome the Iranian defense system.

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There has been a proxy war between Iran and Israel for years. The conflict intensified on April 1, when Israeli warplanes attacked an Iranian diplomatic compound in Syria. Seven Iranian officers were killed in this. Iran then responded by attacking Israel last week with drones and a barrage of cruise and ballistic missiles. This was the first direct conflict between Iran and Israel. Four days later, retaliatory action was taken by Israel. Early on Friday, Israel attacked Iran and targeted its military base.

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