Israeli ambassador to UN slams George Soros for funding pro-Hamas groups

by time news

2023-12-04 06:33:00
Israeli Ambassador Slams George Soros for Funding Pro-Hamas Groups

In a scathing statement, Israel’s ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, has accused Jewish billionaire George Soros of funding pro-Hamas groups in a move he described as “shameful but not surprising.”

Erdan’s allegations stem from reports that Soros’s Open Society Foundations donated $15 million to organizations openly promoting a counterattack by Hamas, the militant group that governs the Gaza Strip.

The Israeli representative accused Soros of supporting and transferring money to BDS-supporting organizations, criticizing them for not thinking about peace and how to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian issue.

“Hungarian-American billionaires work against Israel and support pro-Palestinian groups,” Erdan said, pointing out that these include Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) and financing.

Erdan’s comments highlight the ongoing tensions between Israel and prominent figures who support pro-Palestinian causes. The accusations against Soros and his alleged support for Hamas-related activities are likely to fuel further debate and controversy.
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