Israeli Defense Minister Announces Phase Completion in Gaza Ground Operation Amidst Internet Blackout

by time news

Israel Extends Ground Operation in Gaza Strip, Internet Blackout Impacts Medical Services

In a significant escalation of the ongoing conflict, Israel has announced that its military has completed a phase in the war and will continue with an expanded ground operation in the Gaza Strip. The announcement, made by Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, has raised concerns that a long-anticipated sustained Israeli ground incursion may have begun.

Following the statement, Israeli aircraft launched a series of intense airstrikes, targeting underground facilities in Gaza. The bombardment involved the use of powerful munitions to destroy these hidden targets. This development marks a significant escalation in the conflict, which has already seen weeks of intense fighting between Israeli forces and Palestinian militants.

Amidst the escalating violence, the Gaza Strip has been plunged into a state of “total or near-total” internet blackout, as reported by internet monitoring groups. This blackout has further exacerbated the already dire humanitarian situation in the Palestinian enclave. The World Health Organization (WHO) has expressed deep concern over the situation, stating that it is impossible to evacuate patients in need of urgent medical care and that ambulances are unable to reach the injured due to the blackout.

The ongoing conflict has displaced thousands of Palestinians, with casualties mounting on both sides. International organizations and world leaders have been urging for an immediate de-escalation of tensions and a return to the negotiating table. However, efforts to broker a ceasefire haven’t yielded successful outcomes so far.

The latest events have further strained relations in the region, with condemnations and calls for action coming from various countries around the world. The United Nations and other international bodies have called for an end to the violence and for the protection of civilians, emphasizing the need for a political solution to address the root causes of the conflict.

As the conflict intensifies and the humanitarian consequences escalate, the international community remains a key player in mediating a peaceful resolution. The urgency to de-escalate the situation and to prioritize the well-being of civilians, especially those in the Gaza Strip, has never been greater.

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