Israeli Economy Minister Warns Companies of Price Increases During Wartime

by time news

2024-02-04 17:15:00

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  • Economy Minister Nir Barkat today began holding warning meetings with the companies after the wave of price increases, and warned: “The pork will cost you dearly. The celebration is over.” So far, the minister has met with the heads of ‘Suget’ and ‘Ahava’ and later this week with the other companies that declared the price of their products

    “The celebration is over” supermarket. Illustration photo: Yonatan Zindel, Flash 90

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    Economy Minister Nir Barkat opened today (Sunday) the warning meetings with the heads of food companies, due to the wave of price increases they announced. Barkat told them: “I don’t owe you anything, I work for one shekel a year and thank God I don’t need anything from you. The celebration is over. I’m going to join you. The audacity of raising prices during a war when the public is hard is indicative of swine. This swineiness will cost you dearly “.

    Minister Barkat added and threatened that he believes that he will receive support from Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu for the moves he will make to stop the move of the companies.

    emerald. Photo: Yonatan Zindel, Flash 90.

    The meetings were held today in front of ‘Sugat’ and ‘Ahava’, and later the minister is expected to meet with Strauss, Willy-Food and Stavitch. However, in fact, without legislative measures to promote the freezing of price increases during wartime, the monopolies and large companies will not be in a hurry to stop the move.

    The High Court of Justice froze the request of Yonathan Bezalel, the inspector of prices at the Ministry of Economy, to publish the profitability data of the major companies, and simultaneously with the start of the war, the Chairman of the Economy Committee, Member of Knesset David Bitan, initiated legislation to freeze the increase in prices during the war. Finally, the Ministry of Finance blocked the legislation, which eventually allowed the price increase.

    #price #increases #curbed #Minister #enter

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