Israeli PM Releases Gruesome Photos to Expose Hamas Atrocities: Babies Murdered and Burned

by time news

Title: Extraordinary Step: Israel Releases Gruesome Photos of Murdered Babies to Highlight Hamas Atrocities

Subtitle: The Prime Minister’s Office shares images of slain infants to expose the brutal rampage by Hamas in Israel

Date: October 12, 2023

In a move to shed light on the horrifying atrocities committed by Hamas, the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) released distressing images of murdered babies on Thursday. Seeking to emphasize the cruelty inflicted by Hamas during its savage rampage through southern Israel last Saturday, the PMO aimed to ensure that the world witnesses a fraction of the horrors perpetrated by the terrorist organization.

The Times of Israel, while sharing the gravity of the situation, has released heavily blurred versions of the photos provided by the PMO. A spokesperson for the PMO explained that the intention behind sharing these images was straightforward: to expose Hamas’ heinous acts to the world.

The PMO stated that these photos were part of the evidence shared earlier with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, describing them as “difficult-to-see images of babies murdered and burned by the monsters of Hamas. Hamas are not human. Hamas is ISIS.”

Highlighting the severity of the situation, the official Israel Twitter account shared mostly unblurred images with its 1.2 million followers.

The decision to release these images came in response to media figures who criticized Israel’s claims about Hamas’ atrocities. Doubt was cast over reports that included details of babies being decapitated by these terrorists. This skepticism prompted a strong reaction from US and Israeli officials, who repeatedly provided accounts of the shocking crimes committed.

US President Joe Biden commented on Wednesday during a meeting with US Jewish leaders, saying, “I never really thought that I would see, have confirmed pictures of terrorists beheading children.” However, the White House later clarified that the president had not personally seen the pictures or independently confirmed the reports but based his comments on media reports citing Israeli officials.

During a conversation with President Biden, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appalled him with details of Hamas’ actions. Netanyahu stated, “They took dozens of children, bound them up, burned them and executed them. They beheaded soldiers, they mowed down these youngsters who came to a nature festival.”

Supporting the prime minister’s statements, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken confirmed on Thursday that he had witnessed distressing images of the atrocities. Overwhelmed by the magnitude of the crimes committed, Blinken spoke at a press conference in Tel Aviv alongside Netanyahu, saying, “This was just one of Hamas’s countless acts of terror – in a litany of brutality and inhumanity that, yes, brings to mind the worst of ISIS. Babies slaughtered. Bodies desecrated. Young people burned alive. Women raped. Parents executed in front of their children, children in front of their parents. How are we even to understand this, to digest this?”

The death toll in Israel now surmounts 1,300, with most of the victims being civilians. Authorities continue to discover and identify human remains in several Gaza border towns where Hamas brutally attacked.

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