ISSSTE doctors and nurses are scammed with loans

by time news

Scams through loans, is what doctors and nurses from hospitals in the ISSSTElocated in Tetela de Ocampo, Zacatlán and Ixtacamaxtitlán.

Dr. Pedro Escobar Munguía, a base doctor at the Ixtacamaxtitlán Hospital, is one of those affected and pointed out in an interview that around 40 personas They have suffered scams through financial.

The doctor assured that Erick Hugo López Ayuzo poses as a representative of ISSSTE and goes to the most distant hospitals to offer these loans.

“There are colleagues who have 1 year, 8 months, six months, I have four months with payroll discounts.”

He assured that within the Ministry of Health, the payment made by payroll there is no salary cap to prevent further loans.

“In my case, we request 50,000 pesos, but these people commit fraud because they deposit more, double, triple what we are requesting directly.”

He announced that they have already approached the different authorities, such as the Syndicatethe drivingamong others, in order to fix the problem however, all they have heard is that there is nothing they can do but pay.

The people affected are distributed in:

  • Tetela de Ocampo: 10 affected
  • Chignahuapan: 12 affected
  • Ixtacamaxtitlán: 2 affected

But he said that there are more affected who have not yet denounced for fear before the State Attorney General’s Office.

He assured that they never accepted the signatures before the financiers, because up to now they do not know how long it will take them to pay the loan, there are even workers who receive $900 or $200 pesos to survive.

Those affected have more than 1 year with this problemwhere they make the deposit, they deposit more than what they requested, they return it, but over time make them pay as if they had received the entire loan.

On the other hand, he assured that the Prosecutor’s Office is looking for the fraudster Erick Hugo López Ayuzoas it is currently being passed off, due to the fact that there are complaints against him for scams in Oaxaca and Veracruz.

Finally, the doctor pointed out that these financiers are hired by ISSSTE, so they seek help from the different authorities to be able to cancel these loans.

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