“It is the strongest Alliance in history”, Draghi relaunches on NATO

by time news

Time.news – Italian politics and not only continue to debate on the issue of vaccines, but Prime Minister Mario Draghi was already clear on this point in the final press conference of the G7 in Cornwall. It could intervene again if it were necessary to reassure the Regions and citizens again, but in any case the Prime Minister maintains his line.

We continue with the indications provided by the Ministry of Health and the Technical Scientific Committee, also because studies have shown that the vaccine mix is ​​effective. And therefore proceed without fear or uncertainty. The message is that of Minister Speranza, that is, the prohibition of AstraZeneca for the under 60s and the guarantees provided on the heterologous vaccination used by other countries.

The prime minister arrives in Brussels to take part in the work of relaunching NATO, the day after the end of the G7 and on the eve of the EU-US summit and the meeting between American President Biden and Russian President Putin. In the next few days Draghi will be in Barcelona and Berlin, then he will receive the president of the EU Commission, Von der Leyen, for the green light of Europe at the PNRR and on the 25th he will participate in the European Council on the issue of migrants.

In the Belgian capital Draghi reaffirms the importance of the Alliance. “It is the most powerful and successful in history”, he summarizes. In his speech he does not mention either Russia or China but warns that “those who do not share our values” must be addressed, underlining the crucial importance that Italy dedicates to strengthening cooperation between NATO and the EU.

“We are building – he explains – a stronger EU also in the field of security and defense, firmly convinced of the positive contribution based on complementarity that the European architrave can provide to further strengthen NATO. I would like to stress to all our non-EU allies that this is what we unequivocally mean by ‘strategic autonomy of the EU’. “

And it confirms the government’s commitment to NATO operations and missions and defense spending. – “Security is a necessary prerequisite to preserve and strengthen our democracies and our economic and social systems”, premieres the Prime Minister. It is essential – he observes – that NATO turns to the Transatlantic Community.

“Italy – remarked the premier – fully supports today’s decisions to start, through ‘NATO 2030’, a process of further adaptation for the next decade and updating of the 2010 strategic concept, based on three fundamental tasks: collective defense, crisis management, security cooperation “.

Draghi repeatedly points out the difference between the approach of US President Biden and that of his predecessor Trump. And the summit serves precisely to strengthen that axis that had “weakened”. “Think that President Biden’s first visit is to Europe, try to remember President Trump’s first visit …”.

Then the head of the government indicates which in his opinion are the priorities of the Alliance’s agenda. We must “maintain our collective technological superiority and be ready to face all those who do not share our same values ​​and our attachment to the rules-based international order and are a threat to our democracies; preserve – he adds – strategic stability and also renew our efforts to strengthen arms control, disarmament and the international architecture of non-proliferation; address the security implications of climate change; strengthen – he continues – our national resilience and our ability to address global problems affecting our regional Alliance in an era of structural vulnerability “.

In any case, we must “look at all strategic directions, from the Indo-Pacific region to a constant focus on the instability of the Mediterranean region”. No mention by the Heads of State and Government of the post-Stoltenberg, whose mandate will expire in September next year. The former British Prime Minister May is in the running, but in recent days there has also been talk of the possibility of an Italian candidacy.

Today – concludes the Prime Minister – the message that we can send to the rest of the world is that enshrined in the Washington Treaty: the political cohesion of the allies and the unshakeable commitment to the indivisibility of our common security is and will be the true center of gravity of the Alliance and the ultimate guarantee of our collective defense “.


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