“It will be work that will bring the country out of this emergency”

by time news

Time.news – “Work is the foundation of the Republic. The Republic could not live without work. It will be work that will bring the country out of this emergency “. This was said by the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, during the celebration of the Labor Day at the Quirinale.

“The battle for work is a priority that must unite everyone’s efforts. This is the ambition of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. We must recognize the common good and pursue it, we cannot waste the opportunity to take a step together forward”.

Sergio Mattarella

“Italy still needs new generations of builders today. We have more of them than we often know: we appeal to them. Happy 1st May to Italy of work, happy 1st May to Italy that starts again”.

“In our country in these difficult months, precious qualities have also emerged, sometimes rediscovered, on which to leverage for the future. Among the first, the solidarity of its people, the widespread sense of responsibility fueled by the perception that we depend on each other others and that we need the others, as well as the safeguards built to safeguard the collective well-being, above all to defend health “.

We will have to use patient wisdom to regain complete freedom of behavior, in complete safety, the head of state said. “The unknowns that involve the risk of further prices to be paid with people’s lives are not eligible”. The sacrifice of human lives that the pandemic has caused is already too high “, he warned.

“The battle for work is a priority that must unite everyone’s efforts. This is the ambition of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. We must recognize the common good and pursue it, we cannot waste the opportunity to take a step together forward”.

Sergio Mattarella

“The fight against the virus, the defense of health, the gigantic investments planned to give the restart a new quality, once again recall the highest idea of ​​politics which is service to the good of the community. The institutions have a great task and great responsibility but democratic society is not inhabited only by institutions and individual citizens, there are businesses that create jobs, social forces, communities living in different territories, associated citizens representing ideas and interests. forward they must participate, contribute. I am sure that from so much suffering a conscience has already been born that prevails over the temptation to indulge or ride despair “.


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