Ivory Coast: Collective Iftar on the occasion of the official inauguration of the Mohammed VI Mosque in Abidjan

by times news cr

2024-04-11 12:42:46

This ceremony was marked by the presence of the special advisor to the President of the Republic in charge of Religion and Social Affairs, Drissa Koné, the Grand Chancellor of the National Order, Ally Coulibaly, the President of the Senate, Kandia Kamara, and members of the Ivorian government.

Also present were the president of the Ivorian Superior Council of Imams, Mosques and Islamic Affairs (COSIM), Ousmane Diakité, the president of the local section of the Mohammed VI Foundation of African Ulema, Moustapha Sonta, and ambassadors and diplomats accredited in Ivory Coast.

A delegation from the Mohammed VI Foundation of African Ulema, led by its Secretary General, Mohamed Rifki, the Moroccan ambassador in Abidjan, Abdelmalek Kettani, and eminent Moroccan and Ivorian personalities were also present.

In accordance with the High Instructions of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Amir Al Mouminine, may God help him, the Mohammed VI Foundation of African Ulema has proceeded, in collaboration with the competent Ivorian authorities, in particular the High Council of Imams, Mosques and of Islamic Affairs (COSIM) and the Ivorian Section of the Foundation, at the official inauguration of the Mohammed VI Mosque in Abidjan and this, on the occasion of Friday Prayer.

The Mosque building covers an area of ​​25,000 m2 and includes a prayer room with a capacity of 7,000 worshipers, as well as a conference room, a library, a commercial complex, green spaces, an administrative pavilion, accommodation for the imam and parking.

The construction work on the Mohammed VI Mosque in Abidjan, which was launched on March 3, 2017 by His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Amir Al Mouminine, may God assist him, accompanied by His Excellency Mr. Alassane Ouattara, President of the Republic of Ivory Coast, were made by Moroccan artisans, and scrupulously obeyed traditional and authentic Moroccan architectural standards in all their splendor.

The Mohammed VI Mosque of Abidjan will work to spread wisdom, teach the Holy Quran, celebrate prayer, as well as promote the noble values ​​of peace, tolerance and dialogue, such as advocated by the Muslim religion.

Faithful to its mission, this Mosque will opt to share Moroccan expertise in the management of the religious field, on the basis of common religious fundamentals between the two countries, thus symbolizing the fraternal and historical links between the Ivorian and brotherly peoples. Moroccan.

2024-04-11 12:42:46

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