Ivo’s last messages that could give a turn to the investigation after he disappeared for 11 days

by time news

The messages found on the mobile phone of Ivo, the young man who disappeared 11 days ago in the Mar Menor after the canoe with which he sailed with two shipwrecked friends, they could give a turn to the investigation of the case.

In the conversation that has come to light and that we have seen exclusivelythe 16 year old young man I joked with my sister by José David, one of the rescued friends who has spoken live on ‘And now Sonsoles’.

Ivo still was not at home, it was eleven at night, but when the young woman asked him if he was on the street, he answered no. At one in the morning, in addition, the missing person sent him his location from the Plaza de los Espejos.

These messages and the new data available to researchers could give a turn to disappearanceand the newspaper El Español has published some messages that will be key in his search.

It is a conversation between Ivo and one of the rescued people that questions the reason why the young people entered the sea. “Try to get out, we have to do things”was one of the messages from the friend of the missing person.

Furthermore, investigators have discovered that the missing man sent his location to a friend from the sea, 300 meters from the coastbetween the sports pier and the Los Alcázares yacht club.

This area has already been searched by the Geas of the Civil Guard, Without any result.

The contradictions in Ivo’s disappearance

Las contradictions of the versions of all those involved in the case of Ivo’s disappearance there are more and more.

José David, the other minor who was with him in the canoe, assured that it was the young man who encouraged them to enter in the sea with the canoe. The missing man’s mother, however, sees it as unlikely because, she claims, she was afraid of water.

As for the reason why they entered the sea, José David’s father assures that it was a “kids thing”but the message taken from Ivo’s cell phone only specifies that they went to “do things.”

Furthermore, Francisco Javier and José David first said that the canoe was not stolen, but the Civil Guard has proven that it is. And once she was shipwrecked, answers differ about what his friends saw or didn’t see.

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