Jackass Star Steve-O Detained After Tower Bridge Stunt in London

by time news

Steve-O, a star from the hit show “Jackass,” recently found himself in a bit of trouble in London after performing a daring stunt. The television personality jumped off the Tower Bridge as a promotional stunt for his upcoming comedy special. Unfortunately, this act landed him in hot water with the local authorities, who detained him following the jump.

Sharing the incident on Instagram, Steve-O explained, “I was detained by police after doing this jump off the Tower Of London Bridge yesterday, but they were totally cool and understood that I’m just super excited to be taping my THIRD (and craziest by far) comedy special on Friday, July 14 in London (where I was born!).”

Despite the unexpected detention, Steve-O described the day as “epic” and shared that he was interrogated by the police in one of his posts. Additionally, he showed himself on top of a double-decker bus holding the Union Jack flag of the U.K. in another post.

In his Instagram caption, Steve-O mentioned a professional photographer he hired to capture the moment he climbed onto the roof of the bus. He thanked the photographer for the fantastic shots and praised the bus driver for being cool about the surprise stunt.

Steve-O gained fame through his wild stunts on the MTV series “Jackass.” The show became a big success and later transitioned into a film franchise. The cast recently reunited for the latest installment, “Jackass Forever,” which was released in 2022. The movie brought together Steve-O and his fellow cast members, including Johnny Knoxville, Chris Pontius, Dave England, Wee Man, Danger Ehren, and Preston Lacy, for another round of dangerous and thrilling stunts.

Although Steve-O’s latest stunt may have landed him in trouble with the authorities, fans can look forward to seeing him push the limits once again in his upcoming comedy special.

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