Jennifer Aniston and the hot scenes on the set: a source of embarrassment…

by time news

2023-12-13 18:30:14

Jennifer Aniston and the embarrassment on the set of The Morning Show over the ‘new rules’ to follow in sex scenes. The actress, 54, spoke to Variety about the moments she experienced on stage with Jon Hamm, a long-time friend and colleague. The situation, the star confesses, took on vaguely comical contours.

“Jon was a gentleman in every situation. At every take he asked me ‘Everything ok?'”, says Aniston, describing the painting in which director Mimi Leder was also present. “I never felt uncomfortable,” Aniston clarifies. The embarrassment, if anything, was caused by the producers’ question: they asked the actors if they needed an ‘intimacy coordinator’ on the set, a figure to encourage the relationship in a particular phase foreseen by the script. Productions, essentially, protect themselves by deploying an ‘attendant’ on the set with the task of verifying that every scene, even the spicy ones, is carried out with respect for the actors: no harassment, no complaints.

“I come from the old days”, says the actress, confessing that she is unaware of the existence of the new professional figure who recently debuted on Italian sets. Aniston asked for clarification and has no problem admitting that the answer was surprising: “They told me ‘it’s someone asking you if everything is okay’. Please, it’s strange enough. We’re adults, we can manage…” .

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