Joha Rice: The Diabetes-Friendly and Heart-Healthy Rice from India

by time news

2023-07-19 05:03:22
Joha Rice from India Found to Lower Blood Sugar Levels and Prevent Diabetes

Scientists in India have discovered that Joha rice, a fragrant rice variety from northeastern India, has the advantage of not raising blood sugar levels, making it beneficial for diabetics and individuals at risk for diabetes. Rice is a staple food in many countries in the South, where diabetes prevalence is high. The findings of the study conducted by researchers at India’s Institute of Advanced Study in Science and Technology (IASST) suggest that regular consumption of Joha rice may help prevent type 2 diabetes and improve cardiovascular health.

Diabetes is a growing global health problem, with an estimated 537 million adults diagnosed with the disease in 2021. By 2045, this figure is projected to rise to 783 million. Type 2 diabetes is becoming increasingly common, but it is reversible through lifestyle and dietary changes, such as moderating the consumption of white rice. However, rice consumption can affect blood sugar levels and increase the risk of diabetes.

Joha rice, known for its unique aroma and taste, caught the attention of researchers due to the belief that it can protect against diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The study conducted at IASST confirmed the presence of two unsaturated fatty acids, linoleic acid (omega-6) and linolenic acid (omega-3), which are essential for human health and must be obtained through the diet. Furthermore, Joha rice exhibited the ability to lower glucose levels and prevent diabetes in laboratory tests and on rats.

The Indian Ministry of Science and Technology acknowledges that Joha rice contains valuable antioxidants and bioactive compounds that have antioxidant effects, control blood sugar, and protect the heart. The researchers believe that popularizing this rice variety could significantly help reduce the prevalence of type 2 diabetes, considering the widespread consumption of rice in the Asia-Pacific region and worldwide.

While rice is a staple food in many countries, India faces a significant diabetes burden, with an estimated 77 million individuals diagnosed in 2019. By 2045, this number is expected to exceed 134 million. The next step will be to increase the demand for Joha rice and encourage rice farmers to cultivate this variety. However, farmers are not fully aware of the nutraceutical potential of Joha rice. Government policies that promote awareness of its health benefits could play a crucial role in its popularization.

Abdul Fiyaz, a senior scientist at the Indian Agricultural Research Council, believes that popularizing Joha rice should not be challenging, as it has both promising benefits for diabetics and sensory appeal due to its captivating aroma and smooth texture. Multiple studies have also demonstrated that the aromatic compounds in Joha rice enhance its flavor profile while providing potential health benefits.

With diabetes rates on the rise, particularly in India, it is essential to promote the consumption of Joha rice and similar foods known to be affordable and protective against the condition. By encouraging farmers to grow more of this variety and making the public aware of its health benefits, India can take a significant step in combating the diabetes epidemic.

Note: This article was previously published by IPS partner]
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