“Join the French secret service!” »: the DGSE is recruiting 800 people now

by time news

2023-09-22 19:15:44

What if you became a spy? The General Directorate of Foreign Intelligence, better known by its acronym DGSE, has launched a vast recruitment campaign with the aim of hiring 800 people before the end of the year, in various sectors.

“Operational security auditor”, “telecom network investigator”, “HPC systems engineer”, etc. Usually discreet, the DGSE goes out of its way on social networks and offers a multitude of positions in various fields on platforms such as LinkedIn, JobTeaser or Welcome to the jungle, and in specialized trade fairs.

To achieve its ends, the administration, which is looking for “ordinary women and men ready to secretly accomplish extraordinary missions”, does not hesitate to resort to the collective imagination of espionage, with winks. Take a look at “Bureau des Légendes”, the successful French television series, which features DGSE agents on a mission.

“Enter the legend”

“Enter your legend, join the French secret service!” » can be read in the subtitle of the organization’s LinkedIn page, the “legends” being the fabricated identities behind which the heroes of the series worn by Mathieu Kassovitz, alias “Malotru”, are hidden.

“You could say we are aggressive. We want to recruit the best and we are in an extremely competitive world,” confides to West France the director of administration, responsible for the organization’s human resources services, who seeks to attract new talents, particularly in cyber professions, an increasingly crucial aspect in the world of intelligence, but also science and technology. technologies, and foreign languages.

In its classified ads, the DGSE highlights the benefits it guarantees to its employees, namely 48 to 50 days of leave and 12 days of training per year, development opportunities, a plethora of cultural and sporting activities, the possibility of working remotely and “delicious meals cooked on site”.

The DGSE: a “technological locomotive”

This recruitment campaign is a direct repercussion of the vote, last July, of the new military programming law (LPM), which plans the French state’s defense spending for the period 2024-2030. Legislation which gives pride of place to intelligence and in particular to the DGSE, which should welcome 700 new staff by the end of the decade. More generally, the annual budget allocated to the French intelligence services will double and reach the billion euro mark per year.

“The DGSE must be the technological locomotive for the entire intelligence community. We must be competent everywhere: analysis, major shared programs, foreign languages, cyber, etc.,” said Sébastien Lecornu, Minister of the Armed Forces, before the Commission on National Defense and the Armed Forces.

Such growth which also forces the organization to leave its legendary headquarters on Boulevard Mortier, in Paris, to settle in Fort Neuf de Vincennes in 2028, offering twice as much surface area.

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