Journalist with Multiple Sclerosis highlights lack of awareness and the need for education

by time news

2023-06-18 21:48:02

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Abd al-Hadi al-Soyyan, a journalist at Okaz newspaper, narrated his suffering with multiple sclerosis, explaining that he was infected 3 years ago, but felt the symptoms of the disease 6 years ago.

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He explained, during a telephone interview with the “Ya Hala” program on Rotana Khaleejia, today, that after he was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, it became clear to him that the symptoms he felt were from this disease, that it was chronic, and he would continue on medication for life.

And Al-Suwaiyan indicated that the problem for him is not related to medicines, but the problem, in his opinion, is that there was no awareness of the specialists in the Ministry of Health about this disease, describing the awareness by the Ministry of Health as “very weak”, and that there are no awareness campaigns about it. this disease.

Attacks Awareness

He added that the Ministry of Health deals with this disease as not a common disease, asking: “Should I wait for it to become a common disease in order to educate people?” Although it is not another chronic disease such as diabetes or pressure disease, people must be made aware. and conducting awareness campaigns about this disease.

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And the journalist continued: “Today, the means are available to carry out awareness campaigns, and regarding awareness so far, we do not see the Ministry of Health except on May 30 of each year to celebrate the International Day of Multiple Sclerosis, and to hold exhibitions in malls and markets, but these celebrations are not sufficient to educate citizens about this disease.” “.

And he continued, that this disease needs to educate citizens about it by various means, whether the Ministry of Health and Human Resources, and to introduce people to this disease in addition to educating them about it, noting that he sees some of his colleagues, and others do not know what this disease is.

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Al-Suwain was amazed when he asked some nurses in hospitals about multiple sclerosis, and that they knew nothing about this disease, saying: “I was amazed at my question to some nurses in hospitals and they have their excuse for not specializing in this disease, but they ask what this disease is, this problem.” The reason is that there is no awareness from the competent authorities.”

He stressed that this disease was rarely discussed by the Ministry of Health, and workshops and discussions were held with specialists in the world, and neurologists, but all these discussions take place in closed rooms that the community does not know about, so the Ministry of Health is supposed to Conducting awareness campaigns about this disease.

The journalist stressed that awareness must be made about this disease, and that it is one of the diseases that will become common, and lead to the loss of friends and relatives, indicating that this disease has become widespread in society, and that it is necessary for the Ministry of Health and all competent authorities to work to educate society about it. This disease, how to deal with it.

#Watch. #Saudi #journalist #tells #suffering #multiple #sclerosis. #reveals #diagnosed #disease

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