journey of victims of child crime in the Church

by time news

2023-12-04 21:16:14

In the west of France, within a collective dynamic of victims, men and women, who sometimes kept silent for half a century about the crimes they suffered, are now fighting together to obtain reparation. from the church.

Their names are Raymonde, Marie-Pierre, Ghislaine, Jean-Pierre, Gérard and Jean-Pierre, and they all have in common that they were victims of Catholic priests. These children, whose innocence was destroyed by Roman-collar predators, have become survivors, seeking recognition and reparation for their suffering.

From the first word to the costing of financial compensation

It is through their eyes, sensitive and wounded, that the documentary invites us to follow the journey they take – from their first speech, to the costing of the financial reparation measures to which they are entitled.

Very few formal interviews, almost no commentary, a naturalistic style: the documentary follows their approach to the commissions decided two years ago by the bishops of France after the shocking conclusions of the Sauvé report. These independent bodies have the mission of offering victims compensation measures of up to €60,000.

But to try to get this amount – “the maximum but in reality the minimum”, a victim will say – you have to have your damage assessed, tell your story, justify yourself, confront the unbearable. Will they succeed? The film makes us experience, without pathos, their path between the permanent threat of returning to the abyss and the desire to fight to the end. To avoid falling on the wrong side, the strength of the collective and solidarity between victims is essential.

When the journey is finally over, the recognition of the official Church and the financial reparation paid, some seem relieved, others remain with their anger. Was this the price of their lives?

#journey #victims #child #crime #Church

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