JP Morgan sees economic weakness for Mexico due to the uncertainty generated

by times news cr

J.P. Morganone of the largest private banks in USAve economic weakness for Mexico due to the uncertainty generated by the package of reforms promoted by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO).

And according to the financial institution, if approved AMLO’s reforms our country could run a great risk in the market.

This is because J.P. Morgan He said that there are currently various factors that could affect Mexico, such as the instability in the marketadded to the depreciation which has registered the national currency.

JP Morgan sees economic weakness for Mexico due to the uncertainty generated by AMLO’s reforms

JP Morgan presented today various analyses carried out as part of its economic observatory in Latin Americawhere he expressed his vision of economic weakness for Mexico due to the uncertainty generated by AMLO’s reforms.

The banking entity warned that the national president’s intentions to eliminate autonomous organizations and reform the Judicial Branch, could affect investments for Mexico.

Additionally, such actions could have an impact on a credit rating downgrade for our country, which in turn affects the exchange rate of the Mexican peso.

In its results J.P. Morgan continues with an annual growth forecast for our country of 1.3% in the second half of 2024, representing a deceleration.

Meanwhile, this percentage would drop to 1% at the beginning of 2025in an example of how political decisions directly affect the state of the market.

J.P. Morgan He announced that the United States Federal Reserve I would go back to lower your interest rate in September 2024, causing another drop for our currency.

Price of the peso against the dollar (Especial)

Citbanamex warned On August 21, the markets in Mexico were condemned for ignoring the scope and risks that the new measures will bring with them. AMLO’s reformswhich Morena and its allies seek to approve as soon as the new legislature begins.

The banking entity warned by means of a analysis that the markets have “underestimated” the effects of the president’s initiatives, since they would represent a risk for the country.

According to Citbanamexthe negative political impact and the economic risks that will come with the changes have not been measured. AMLO’s reforms.

2024-08-27 15:41:26

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