Julia Tolofua en final des +78 kg

by time news

2023-05-13 14:48:22

Frenchwoman Julia Tolofua, bronze medalist last year, qualified for the +78 kg final on Saturday at the World Judo Championships in Doha.

Tolofua beat China’s Xu Shiyan in the semi-final by waza-ari during extra time. She will play her first world final against the Japanese Akira Sone, Olympic champion in 2021 in Tokyo. “Julia had a thunderous start to the day by also beating the vice-world champion in the quarter-finals and being released“, Estimated his trainer Christophe Massina. “Now we have to show that she is capable of winning a big championship.In the same category, Romane Dicko, reigning world champion, had been eliminated as soon as she entered the running.

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