Julianna Margulies apologizes for comments about Black and LGBTQ+ communities

by time news

Actress Julianna Margulies issued a formal apology this week to the Black and LGBTQ+ communities after making controversial remarks on a podcast last month. In her statement, the actress expressed deep regret for her comments, stating, “Racism, homophobia, sexism, or any prejudice against anyone’s personal beliefs or identity are abhorrent to me, full stop.”

During the Nov. 20 episode of the podcast “The Back Room with Andy Ostroy,” Margulies, who is Jewish, voiced criticism towards the Black and LGBTQ+ communities, accusing them of not wholeheartedly supporting Jewish people amid the Israel-Gaza war. She also made remarks that were seen as offensive and misrepresentative of certain events and groups, prompting backlash from individuals and organizations.

Margulies’ apology comes amidst a series of recent incidents involving other celebrities making controversial comments related to the Israel-Gaza conflict. Susan Sarandon, an Oscar-winning actress, also faced backlash for her statements, which were seen as hurtful and dismissive of the experiences of Jewish people.

The controversy surrounding Margulies, Sarandon, and other celebrities highlights the sensitivity and complexity of discussions around the Israel-Gaza conflict. These incidents serve as reminders of the importance of thoughtful and respectful dialogue when discussing such deeply divisive and emotional topics.

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