Julius Caesar’s Daughter Julieta Rodriguez Makes Waves on TikTok With Special Video Praising Father and Issuing Warning

by time news

2024-04-18 15:40:36

A special video shared this past Wednesday Julieta Rodriguezdaughter of Julius Caesar, on her Tik Tok account, where she currently has more than 26 thousand followers.

The young woman, which will be next October 16, He played a recording where he praised the Contigo driver this morning.

But that’s not all, because when she ran, she warned all the galls who want to conquer her.

“My father is very friendly to have any kind of son-in-law,” he wrote along with some images where he seems to be enjoying life with communication.

The video and the reactions

Specifically, it shows the journalist singing with her at a concert, having a great time at the beach, and also playing with some classic social media filters.

As expected, the publication was far from surprising and caused talk among his followers on the aforementioned virtual platform.

“Who wouldn’t want JC as a father-in-law”, “a very indirect hint”, “Uncle Julio is prettier”, “it sure has a lot of atmosphere” and “tell him to take it with me, he’s my idol it”, some of the reactions that could be read on the web.

Later, Julieta herself responded to one of the comments and swore it wasn’t a tip. “It doesn’t belong to anyone. Love and peace”, clarified the teenager.

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