Jump fitness, with a jump you lose weight and remove stress

by time news

Jump fitness, all the secrets of the new training with the trampoline that allows you to burn calories better than running but preventing injuries

There is a new fashion for keeping fit. Is called Jump fitness and it seems that in addition to training it also allows you to remove stress. The Rebounding in particular, or the financial years that envisage the trampoline, it seems to bring greater benefits. A study ofAmerican Council on Excercise revealed that this training method is 68% more effective than running, allowing them to burn more calories (800-900 calories using the trampoline versus 500-600 for a jog). Also there NASA has been using the Jump fitness for the physical training of its astronauts.

The Jump fitness it does not stress the joints like other forms of training and can be performed comfortably even at home with a minimum bulk and a reduced expense. This fitness mode also oxygenates the muscles more and favors the remineralization of the bones to remove theosteoporosis. The Jump fitness it is also perfect for fighting vene varicose and thanks also to the help of music it has a relaxing effect.

For those who want to start with the Jump fitness we recommend a session of 10 minutes a day and then increase in duration and intensity. The exercises that can be done are numerous. It starts from Powebound high intensity but low impact by switching to Jump Fit, which involves slow and then fast jumps of varying height and intensity interspersed with aerobic steps, up to exercises with weights, elastic bands and small weights.

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