Kari Lake, dubbed by Donald Trump, fails to become governor of Arizona

by time news

It was one of the most publicized duels of these midterms. Trumpist Kari Lake was beaten by her Democratic rival Katie Hobbs in the race for governor of Arizona on Monday (November 14).

A former television journalist, Kari Lake is one of the “deniers”, those Republicans who claim that the 2020 election was rigged. This 53-year-old woman, who claims the nickname of « Trump in Japan » which the left has decked her out, has also repeatedly refused to say whether she would accept the results of the mid-term elections.

On the contrary, Katie Hobbs, who hitherto served as secretary of state for Arizona, has become known as a fierce defender of the legitimacy of the last election. She had warned voters against Kari Lake, presented as a creator of chaos.

Trump has become a liability

The victory of Ms. Hobbs confirms that the support of Donald Trump has proved to be a handicap in many polls of these mid-term elections traditionally unfavorable to the party of the president.

Read the decryption: Midterms 2022: follow the announcement of the latest results on our interactive map

The Democrats retained the Senate but the Republicans could take control of the House of Representatives. On Monday evening, still in the Arizone, the Grand Old Party won two valuable representative seats in this former Republican stronghold where Democrats had made progress during the Trump era.

Donald Trump, who promised a “very big announcement” for Tuesday, should, in all likelihood, formalize his candidacy for the presidential election of 2024.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Midterms 2022: in Arizona, no triumph for Kari Lake

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