Kasparov’s Brutal Analysis After Wagner’s Rebellion: “Don’t Worry About Russia Collapsing, It Collapsed Years Ago!”

by time news

2023-06-24 13:20:07

The great chess player Garry Kasparovworld champion for a decade and a half and considered one of the great geniuses in the history of board sports, is also one of Putin’s staunchest opponents for years, a defense of democracy that led him to have to leave his country in 2013 for fear of losing his own life.

Despite this, the champion has continued to be one of the most visible and harsh critics of the Russian dictator from abroad, an attitude that even increased, if possible, after last year’s invasion of Ukraine.

Now, before the rebellion of the leader of the Wagner group, the controversial Yevgeny Prigozhinand his mercenaries, Kasparov has published a long thread on Twitter in which he harshly analyzes the situation, starting with warning that one should not imagine or worry about what may happen after the collapse of Russia since Russia “It already collapsed years ago!“and, in fact, according to the chess player “it is not a State, it is a mafia front in which factions fight among themselves for money, resources and power”.

The champion assures that “whatever is happening now, it was clear that Putin was not able to control all the different factions or to keep the fights underground or at least non-violent” in the way it has done up to now.

“There can be no agreements with war criminals”

Kasparov sees “fingers pointing” and that they are now resting on the triggers and foresees that “the towers of lies will collapse and new, smaller ones will emerge” that will serve to “deny defeat”. In addition, he warns the international community that “whoever remains in control, be it Putin or anyone else” will face challenges and instability and “it is vital that the free world does not offer a lifeline to murderers“. The message is not optimistic, but it is forceful: “We do not expect freedom and democracy to bloom suddenly, but there can be no agreements with Russian war criminals.”

He also warns that there will be “attempts” to make the situation unleashed a pretext for a ceasefire, the relaxation of sanctions and “other charades” that they give to Russia “the time it takes to regroup and rearm while occupying Ukrainian territory and maintaining terror”.

In the same way, he calls for the “mafia show” that Russia is experiencing not to be allowed to distract the West from the “objective of the victory of Ukraine”. On the contrary, “It’s time to speed up, not to hesitate“. What’s more, according to Kasparov “if you agree that ‘everyone loses’ the path to that is victory.”

“Everything will be lies”

The chess player also warns that even “more than normal”, everything that comes now from the Kremlin in particular and Russia in general “will be lies” since the country is in the hands of people “who would not admit that it is sinking even in the face of a life preserver.”

Finally, Kasparov also warns that if there is a “color revolution” in Russia – in reference to the term that has been used on several occasions to describe uprisings against tyrannical regimes – in this case it has “the color of money: thieves fighting thugs for territories, resources and the power to hold them,” he says, predicting that Prigozhin may end up dead or be bought back by the regime to commit crimes in Ukraine. “There is no honor between thieves and murderers“, he concludes.

#Kasparovs #Brutal #Analysis #Wagners #Rebellion #Dont #Worry #Russia #Collapsing #Collapsed #Years

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