Katerina Kainourgiou for Barka – Tsagridis: It was unethical on her part, it bothered me that she didn’t take me for an apology

by time news

H Katerina Kainourgiou spoke for the first time about what happened between her ex-partner, Philip Tsagridis and the Danai Barka.

The presenter was invited to the show “Happy Day” and explained that she consciously did not talk about this issue on her show, while stating the reasons.

“Initially, let me say that I very consciously did not talk about it. I wanted to respect myself and the viewers. I couldn’t be on the show and start talking about something that happened to my ex and a friend and TV rival. Because I connected with this man so much and I loved him and still love him as a person, it doesn’t change that, I wanted to respect the moment”he characteristically said.

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Afterwards, she openly expressed her annoyance, after what happened, while emphasizing that she was the reason that Filippos Tsagridis and Danai Barka met.

“It bothered me a lot. We weren’t friends, but when you’ve shared moments with a girl and a man you’ve known for years, it’s bad. Danae met Philip from me, not only did she know him, but she also knew the period when I had hurt for Philip, I had cried for Philip. I told her “text him”. When the other person has experienced all this and knows about the feelings and has only opened up to her… Danae has publicly said that I love Katerina, I consider her my friend, suddenly you say that I consider this person beautiful and elegant. I consider that unethical, but it has nothing to do with it.” commented.

She further explained that she was even more disturbed by the fact that Danae Barka did not contact her to inform her or apologize.

“For me, what bothered me the most was that she didn’t text me afterwards to say it was a mistake on her part, a moment of weakness. I spoke with Philip, our relationship is different after so many years. Never with Danae. Danae is a public figure, not Philip. My mom has raised me with a very basic principle. Never, ever touch your girlfriend’s man or relationship, even if she’s not your best friend. Forbidden, you have no involvement with him. This is how my mother raised me, I love and respect women. Everyone makes their own choices. He may have grown up in a different way, I’m not criticizing that”noted the presenter.

Finally, he added: “I was very disturbed by everything that happened afterwards on social media. She received too many bad comments even about her appearance, unacceptable. I would have preferred if he had taken me to say sorry. It doesn’t matter, I want him to be well. It doesn’t change for me, I give opportunities, but if something bothers me, these people are deleted.”

In February, some photos of Danai Barkas were released on the internet, in which she exchanged kisses with the businessman and ex-partner of Katerina Kainourgiou, Filippos Tsagridis.

On Twitter, an account published some photos from their night out, with the couple being particularly effusive.

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