Kellogg: Own shops instead of just placing them in stores

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economy Cornflakes from the webshop

Kellogg wants to become independent from retail

Cornflakes and other cereals from the US manufacturer Kellog are to be offered in special web shops Cornflakes and other cereals from the US manufacturer Kellog are to be offered in special web shops

Cornflakes and other cereals from the US manufacturer Kellogg are to be offered, among other things, in special web shops

Quelle: picture alliance / dpa-tmn

Cornflakes from the vending machine, online or via delivery service: cereal manufacturer Kellogg no longer only wants to be dependent on retail and is planning new, own sales channels. There is already a first shop on Amazon.

Dhe cereal and snack manufacturer Kellogg wants to sell its products in Germany in the future. “We want to be available anytime, anywhere,” said Oliver Bruns, Managing Director for Kellogg in Germany, Austria and Switzerland at WELT AM SONNTAG.

Therefore, his company works with both established and new delivery services. “At the same time, we are currently pushing into the vending machine business, both in companies and at train stations. And we want to and will establish ourselves as online retailers. ”

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There is already a first shop for the snack brand Pringles on the Amazon marketplace, and it is operated by a logistician. “But the goal is to establish our own web shops in the future. We’re working on it at the moment, it’s in preparation, ”said Bruns.

Cornflakes inventor Kellogg rejects criticism from retailers. “He has to accept that an increasing number of manufacturers are building their own pillar,” said the manager. The idea behind this is to reduce dependence on the few large retailers in Germany.

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One-stop shopping phenomenon

“To do this, we are now positioning ourselves more broadly and using the possibilities of technology and digitization.” Especially since industry boundaries would increasingly dissolve anyway.

“Conversely, retailers also become manufacturers and produce their own baked goods, snacks or drinks,” said Bruns. “When it comes to access to consumers, we do not want to and must not be solely dependent on retailers.”

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