Kick will pay streamers by the hour even if they multistream

by time news

Kick has just announced an incentive program for all streamers that they meet minimum requirements with one purpose: to pay them for the hours they broadcast and to stay on the platform putting in hours.

The idea, that priori will attract the attention of many content creators who do not have a salary, look for more and more streamers to increase the statistics, even if this means paying people by the hour.

And it has recently been revealed that Kick herself will allow the multistream doing thiswhich means that a streamer You can do multiple live while monetizing the hours on the green platform. But there is a catch.

It seems that it can be done multistream on Kick, TikTok or Instagram, but never on Twitch or YouTube. That is to say, yes you can do direct in these last two but, if you do it and you are partner of incentives, the hours will not count.

This will benefit many who have powerful accounts on TikTok or Instagram, since you will be able to monetize content for hours on Kick in addition to going viral on some of the largest social networks.

Maybe they are looking to compete with Twitch or YouTube, although really all this seems like a strategy to have more users online on Kick and justify all the expenses involved in having said platform.

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