Kiev requested an urgent meeting with the Vienna Document member countries | News from Germany about Ukraine | DW

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Ukraine called for a meeting within 48 hours with Russia and all participating states of the 2011 Vienna Document on Confidence and Security Building Measures. The corresponding entry was posted by Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba on Sunday, February 13, on Twitter.

According to the country’s foreign minister, Moscow did not respond to Kiev’s request for this document. Ukraine, in particular, demanded “an explanation of unusual military activity” near its borders through the channels of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).

As Kuleba specified, the meeting is necessary, in particular, “to discuss the strengthening and movement of Russian troops along our border” and in the annexed Crimea.

“Russia must fulfill its obligations on the issue of military transparency”

“If Russia takes seriously its words about the indivisibility of security in the OSCE area, it must fulfill its obligations on the issue of military transparency in order to reduce tension and strengthen security for all participating States,” he concluded.

Earlier, Dmitry Kuleba emphasized that “according to the provisions of the Vienna Document, the Russian Federation must provide the exact areas for conducting military activities, indicate the date of its completion, as well as the name, subordination, number of military formations, types of weapons and military equipment involved in it.”

The Baltic States sent a request to Minsk regarding the exercises

In turn, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania – in accordance with Chapter III of the Vienna Document – demanded that Belarus provide more information about its large-scale joint military exercises with Russia, which began on February 10, the Defense Ministry in Riga said. The request was made through the OSCE.

The Baltic states were waiting for more information from Minsk, in particular on the types and numbers of troops participating in the maneuvers, as well as on the weapons systems they use.

What is the Vienna Document

The Vienna Document on Confidence- and Security-Building Measures was adopted on 30 November 2011. Its goal is to implement confidence- and security-building measures, increase stability and reduce the threat of military conflicts in the countries that are members of the OSCE.

For example, OSCE participating States should exchange information annually on military forces and major weapons systems, on defense measures and military budgets. The document provides for a mechanism for consultations and cooperation in connection with unusual military activities, as well as dangerous incidents of a military nature.

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