King Frederik X of Denmark: Historic Succession and Official Abdication of Queen Margrethe

by time news

2024-01-14 16:26:49

Denmark has a new king – Denmark | Europe | Global Manorama | Manoramaonline Frederick X waving from balcony with horseradish; Denmark has a new king

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Published: January 14 , 2024 07:59 PM IST

1 minute Read

Tens of thousands of people gathered in Copenhagen to witness the historic succession. (Image Credit : X/direkte)

Copenhagen ∙ Frederik X is crowned as the new king of Denmark. Denmark’s Queen Margrethe, who has been in power for 52 years, officially abdicated and her son Frederik X took over today. Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen announced the new king on the balcony of Christiansborg Palace. The Prime Minister made the announcement by turning on three sides to show that all of Denmark was being declared under the new king. The crowd greeted the King with waving Danish flags. The King was the first to appear on the balcony after his enthronement. Frederic X waved and greeted the people with red eyes. Then the Prime Minister came for the official announcement.

After Queen Margrethe officially abdicated, her son Frederick X took over today Image : X/ notaroyalexpert

After the announcement, King Frederik X addressed the people from the balcony of Christiansborg Palace. The king’s wife Queen Consort Mary, son Crown Prince Christian and other members of the Danish royal family then met the people on the balcony with the king. The kingdom welcomed the new king and his family with a gun salute. Tens of thousands of people gathered in Copenhagen to witness the historic succession.

Queen Margaretha abdicated due to age and health problems. Denmark has the oldest monarchy in Europe. Margrethe became Queen in 1972 at the age of 31. Queen Margaretha, who remained in power for fifty-one years, did not use mobile phones and the Internet in the modern era.

English Summary:

‌Frederik X is now the King of Denmark

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