| Kovacsin for teens | Mangalam

by time news

New Delhi: The Union Health Ministry has issued guidelines for vaccination of adolescents. The guideline states that they will only be given covaxin. Under the new policy, everyone born in 2007 or earlier will be eligible for the vaccine.

People between the ages of 15 and 18 can register for the vaccine from January 1 on the Covin app and portal. If you do not have Aadhaar, you can use your school ID card. There is no difference in the amount of vaccine given. Registration can be done through any existing Covin account or by creating your own account.

Meanwhile, sources in the Union Health Ministry said that the reserve dose of Kovid vaccine distributed in the country in the context of Omicron will not be used interchangeably with vaccines. The reserve dose is the third dose of the vaccine that has already been taken, whether Kovichield or Kovacin. The first dose will be given to health workers, veterans and senior citizens with other illnesses 9-12 months after the second dose. Reserve dosage distribution from January 10th.

There is a worldwide debate as to whether the current vaccine should be given at the third dose or whether another vaccine provides greater protection.


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