KSRTC, tourist bus collide | Bus Accident | Accident | Kollam

by time news

Madathara (Kollam): A KSRTC bus collided with a tourist bus, injuring 50 people. The accident took place on Monday at 7.30 pm on Red Fort Road, Thiruvananthapuram, near Madathara upstairs, in front of the market. The KSRTC bus went from Palode to Kulathupuzha. The tourist bus was going to Parashala from Thenmala area.

The KSRTC bus collided with a speeding tourist bus on the way up. Passengers on both buses were injured. The injured were admitted to Kadakkal Taluk Hospital and later to Thiruvananthapuram Medical College Hospital.



Accidental KSRTC bus

Those trapped in the bus were rushed to the hospital by the fire brigade, Kadakkal, Chithara police and locals. Most of the injuries were to the head and body. Most of the injuries are to passengers on tourist buses. The front of both buses were smashed. Following the accident, traffic on the Red Fort Road in Thiruvananthapuram was stopped for an hour and a half



English Summary: Bus accident in kollam

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