kyiv thanks Joe Biden for support after his resignation amid fears of Trump’s return; murder of former Ukrainian MP causes shock and more

by times news cr

2024-07-22 17:42:05

The war between Russia and Ukraine reaches its day 880 since its beginning on February 24, 2022, when the Russian president Vladimir Putin ordered a “special military operation” to free the pro-Russian population from Ukrainian region of Donbas.

Hoy Monday, July 22, 2024, kyiv thanks he support that has given them Joe Biden After his resignation in the middle of fear of return of Donald Trump and his “express peace”.

On another topic the Ministry of Defense of Russia published a video on Monday showing a Su-25 attack aircraft attack positions of the Armed Forces of UkraineThe offensive resulted in the destruction of special equipment and the elimination of Ukrainian troops.

It is not known where the attack took place, but it is reported that it was carried out “in the area of ​​responsibility of the Vostok group of troops.” [Este]”.

Vladimir Putin congratulates Lukashenko on 30 years in power in Belarus

Vladimir Putin, I congratulate On July 20, his Belarusian colleague, Alexandr Lukashenkofor its 30 years at the head of the former Soviet republicthe Kremlin’s main ally in its military campaign in Ukraine.

“The most recent history of Belarus, marked by the construction of modern state institutions and significant successes in the social and economic spheres, is closely linked to its name.”

Telegram published by the Kremlin

Putin stressed that the Belarusians he Lukashenko elected president six times“which demonstrates, without a doubt, his authority among his compatriots,” although the opposition in exile maintains that only a minority supports the man known for years as ‘the last dictator of Europe’.

In its The congratulatory message highlights the personal contribution of the Belarusian President to the development of friendly relations with the Russian Federation.the creation of the Russia-Belarus State Union and the promotion of integration processes in the Eurasian space.

“I look forward to continuing our constructive and comradely dialogue and close joint work for the benefit of the brotherly peoples of Russia and Belarus.”

Vladimir Putin, President of Russia

Lukashenko, a 69-year-old former collective farm director, came to power on July 20, 1994, establishing an authoritarian system in which the KGB – Belarus is the only former Soviet republic where the KGB has retained its name – repressed any hint of dissent.

Totally dependent on Russian trade and energy supplies, relations between Belarus and the Kremlin deteriorated over the years, but mass protests in 2020 against the Kremlin electoral fraud They strengthened their cooperation as Putin offered to help them suppress the protesters.

The Belarusian opposition accuses Lukashenko of ceding the country’s sovereigntyRussia used Belarusian territory to invade Ukraine and has deployed tactical nuclear weapons as a deterrent against the NATO threat – in exchange for remaining in power.

Although the West does not recognize him as a legitimate president after the 2020 fraud, Lukashenko intends to run for office re-election in 2025.

Presidents of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, and Russia, Vladimir Putin (EFE)

Murder of former Ukrainian MP causes shock

The former ultranationalist deputy and linguistics professor Irina Farion, figure deep divisive known for its controversial Opinions about him Use of the Russian language in Ukrainehas been murdered in Lviva murder that has drawn condemnation in Ukraine.

According to witnesses, Farion, 60, was approached on the street where she lived by a unidentified man what shot him in the head y fled.

According to local authorities, at night She was taken to hospital in critical condition.where He died several hours later.

“Any act of violence deserves only condemnation and all those responsible for this attack must bear full responsibility,” said Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

He The killer prepared the attack for weeksaccording to Interior Minister Igor Klimenko.

According to Klimenko, the police are considering several Possible reasonsamong them the public activity y Farion’s policyas well as a personal animosity towards her.

He Svoboda political partyto which Farion represented in the Lviv regional council from 2008 to 2012 and in the country’s parliament from 2012 to 2014, believes that Russia is guilty of his murder.

Farion gained popularity from some voters for their calls to extend the use of the Ukrainian language in public and believed that the use continued use of the Russian language weakened the country and contributed to its becoming aim of the Russian aggression.

According to his supporters, Farion also deserved recognition by investigation that he made about how Moscow has constantly limited the use of the Ukrainian language in a attempt to erode the National identity Ukrainian during the centuries it controlled much of the country.

However, her radicalism and highly controversial style eventually eroded much of her support, leaving her on the sidelines of political life as nationalist forces, including Svoboda, failed to win any seats in parliament after 2014.

Last November, Farion harshly criticized Russian-speaking Ukrainian soldiers of the Azov Battalion and the 3rd Assault Brigade, known for their patriotic ideology, stating that I didn’t consider them Ukrainians.

Several days later, he shared his private correspondence with a pro-Ukrainian student from Russian-occupied Crimea, revealing his identity and leading to his arrest by Russian security forces.

Massive protests broke out of the students of the Lviv National Polytechnic Universitywhere taught linguistics for more than 20 years, and Farion was removed from her position as professor shortly thereafter.

He Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) opened a criminal case against Farion for his statements and publications on social networks.

Although Farion was a deeply divisive figureare murder has been condemned by Ukrainians with diverse political opinions.

kyiv thanks Joe Biden for support after his resignation amid fears of Trump’s return; murder of former Ukrainian MP causes shock and more

Russia Ukraine War (AFP / AFP)

kyiv thanks Joe Biden for support after his resignation amid fears of Trump’s return

Ukrainian President, Volodímir Zelenskireacted to the withdrawal from his American counterpart, Joe Bidenof the carrera by re-election Thanking him for his support to Ukraine.

This in the midst of a context marked by the fear to which one second presidency of Donald Trump forces kyiv to give up everything their territories at the moment busy by Russia.

“He has supported our country in the most dramatic moments,” said Zelensky, who expressed his hope that Washington will continue to exercise “strong leadership” that avoid and outcome this guerra favorable to Russia.

This last part of the message refers to the possibility of a Trump’s victory in the November elections.

Donald Trump has criticized for excessive the aid what United States provides to Ukraineand has promised to end the conflict in just 24 hours follow las elections. kyiv fears that Trump will seek this ‘express peace’ by forcing it a cede all its territories under Russian control.

Ohio Senator’s Election as Vice Presidential Candidate James David Vance by Trump has further increased concern in Ukraine.

Vance has been one of the Most active figures among Trump loyalist Republicans what voted against continuing to send military aid to Ukraine.

Los six months of interruption in it shipment of new weapons caused by the veto this faction in it Congress made Ukraine lose more territory and a high number of staff.

Earlier this month, Vance said he was in favour of “freezing” the conflict in Ukraine by maintaining roughly the current front line, a solution that kyiv rejects as a reward for Russian aggression.

According to a survey published this month, a 46% of Ukrainians believe that a second Biden presidency would be more positive for the Ukraine war effort than a new Trump administration.

Only 6% responded otherwise. (The survey was conducted before Biden’s withdrawal from the race.)

Despite the distance between the positions, the President Zelensky’s administration knows that it has to be ready for the Arrival at the White House by one Leader reluctant to continue sending aid.

Volodímir Zelenski ha started to talk about the opening imminent of peace negotiations with Russia to “put an end to the hot phase of the war.”

During the visit to the Ukrainian capital this month by the Hungarian Prime Minister, Víktor Orbánwho is one of Trump’s few European friends and the EU leader with the best relations with Putin.

Zelenski the asked what use his “leadership” to help Ukraine to prepare a second international summit on how to end the war in which kyiv wants Russia to participate.

Behind the Trump’s official nomination as Republican candidate last week, Zelensky spoke to him on the phone to congratulate him y condemn he outrage to whom survived a few days before.

The two leaders also agreed to meet to discuss how a “fair” peace can be achieved.

Joe Biden and Volodymyr Zelensky/AFP

Joe Biden and Volodymyr Zelensky/AFP

2024-07-22 17:42:05

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