Lammela, traditional Easter cake

by time news


Video length: 3 min.

France 2

Article written by

N. Fleury, L. Klethi, V. Steib

France 2

France Televisions

The 13 Hours takes you, Monday, April 10, to Alsace to taste the Lammele, or Lammela, a local pastry in the shape of lamb, made in terracotta molds, according to a five-century-old tradition.

He’s a short-lived star. Its sparkling white coat is in all the windows of Alsace, for only a few days. Everyone has already succumbed to the sweetness of this lamb, a traditional Easter cake. In this Strasbourg pastry shop, as Easter approaches, there are countless sheep coming out of the oven. A generous production, respecting tradition. “It’s more to offer. Everyone offers a lamb to their neighbours, their friends, their parents”explains Philippe Volck, pastry chef for the Kubler pastry shop.

Terracotta mold

Philippe Volck wants to preserve the simplicity of this recipe. A classic sponge cake, whole eggs beaten with sugar, and flour. Then he prepares the mold that will give the lamb its shape. Once the dough is poured, the lamb is put in the oven. Count a good hour of cooking. The lamb is ready for the final touch, it is sprinkled with icing sugar. This cake, always very popular, would be nothing without its famous terracotta mould. Most are still made in Soufflenheim (Bas-Rhin), the city of potters.

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