Last minute of the elections, live | The Valencian deputy for Vox José María Llanos says that sexist violence “does not exist” | Spain

by time news

2023-06-16 14:00:00

What has happened in the last hours

38 days before the general elections on July 23, this is the highlight of the day at 8:30 p.m. this Thursday:

– The PSOE would win the elections with only half a point of advantage over the PP, according to the CIS. The Socialist Party would win the general elections with 31.2% of the votes, barely half a point above the PP, according to the CIS barometer for June, prepared after the regional and municipal elections of 28-M and on the days after Pedro Sánchez brought forward the elections scheduled for December to July. The body led by the socialist José Félix Tezanos, whose results are questioned by all the parties (except the PSOE), indicates that Sumar would be placed in third position, with 14.3%, followed by Vox, which is placed with 10.6 %. The survey also shows that the best valued leader is Yolanda Díaz, with 4.89 points out of 10. And Santiago Abascal, leader of Vox, is the worst valued, with 3.

– The PP will govern in the eight Andalusian capitals after closing the agreement with Jaén Deserves More. The PP will govern in the eight Andalusian capitals, after the agreement was closed this morning between the popular and Jaén Deserves More (JMM), the party that represents Empty Spain in that territory, so that its candidate, Agustín González, be the new mayor of the jiennense capital. Jaén will be the only capital in which the PP governs in coalition, since the three representatives of JMM will enter the municipal government. In the rest, the popular will govern alone, in a minority government, in the case of Huelva and Seville, and with an absolute majority in Almería, Málaga, Córdoba, Cádiz and Granada. Vox, despite consolidating itself as the third political force in Andalusia after 28-M, has not managed to condition the municipal governments of the main capitals.

– Girona, the first Catalan capital to have a CUP mayor. Lluc Salellas, from the CUP, will take the lead in Girona (102,000 inhabitants) thanks to an agreement closed this morning with Junts and ERC. The alliance of the three pro-independence parties removes Sílvia Paneque, from the PSC, who was the candidate with the most votes, from the mayor’s office. In Girona, the CUP presents itself with the Guanyem brand. With six councilors, Salellas (38 years old, journalist and political scientist) achieved the best results of the party in the city. He remained as the second force with the most votes, but tied with the PSC at eight councilors.

– Bolaños asks Feijóo what he thinks that “the party of the abuser” manages the fight against sexist violence. The minister of the presidency, Félix Bolaños, described this Friday as “very worrying” the pact reached between the PP and Vox to govern the Valencian Community, which includes the extreme right – which he has described as “the party of the abuser” , in reference to the Vox candidate, Carlos Flores, convicted in 2002 for mistreatment of his ex-partner— take over the Ministry of the Interior, which has the powers to combat gender violence. For this reason, he has asked the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, “what do you think that the party of the abuser of women is the one who is going to manage the councils that should precisely promote policies in favor of equality between men and women and against violence of genre”. In fact, one of the Valencian deputies of Vox, José María Llanos, one of the names that sounds like a possible president of the Valencian Parliament, has affirmed this Friday that sexist violence “does not exist”.

– Abascal warns the PP that the agreement of the Valencian Community is the one that Vox wants “for all of Spain”. The leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal, has put this Friday the agreement reached with the Popular Party in the Valencian Community as an example of what Vox wants “for all of Spain” and has insisted to the popular that, if they want to reach agreements, they will have to sit down to negotiate and assume part of the far-right postulates depending on the strength obtained by each party at the polls, “in a coalition government or the construction of an alternative.”

– PP and Vox close deals to govern Guadalajara and Talavera. The popular and the far-right party Vox will govern together in Guadalajara (268,127 inhabitants) and the Toledo town of Talavera de la Reina (83,000 inhabitants). In the first, the formations promise “a stable government” and include as “first and main references” to “the person, the family, their quality of life, security and coexistence”, “equal opportunities”, the “principles and values ​​of education”, support for entrepreneurship or “zero ideological interference in culture”. In Talavera, six municipal government areas have been established, which will contain a total of 12 councils, of which four, in addition to the first mayoralty, will be for Vox.

– IU and PSOE reach a government pact in Sanlúcar de Barrameda. The IU candidate Carmen Álvarez will be invested tomorrow Saturday as mayoress of Sanlúcar de Barrameda (Cádiz, 69,700 inhabitants) by virtue of an agreement with the PSOE by which both parties will share out the councillorships. In Sanlúcar, the PP was the party with the most votes but obtained nine councilors, insufficient to achieve an absolute majority with the two that Vox achieved. IU and PSOE obtained seven councilors each of the formations, which is why they have the absolute majority necessary to form a government.

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