2024-09-21 19:10:29
Launch and operational planning workshop for Gabon segment activities
September 21, 2024
From September 17 to 20, 2024, the launch and operational planning workshop for the activities of the Gabonese segment of the project “Biodiversity and sustainable development of the Tri-National Dja landscape” was held in Oyem, Woleu-Ntem province in the Gabonese Republic. . -Odzala-Minkebé (TRIDOM)”.
This Workshop was organized by the Executive Secretariat of the Central African Forestry Commission (COMIFAC) with technical and financial support from the German Government through its cooperation tool GIZ.
The overall objective of this workshop was to proceed with the launch and operational planning of the activities of that project in the Gabon segment, for its period of execution, according to the strategic trends and areas of intervention.
Around forty participants took part, especially actors from the Public Administration, Civil Society Organizations (CSO), Special Delegations, the private sector and technical and financial partners.
There was Mr. Auguste NDOUNA ANGO chaired the opening ceremony in his two capacities as the National Coordinator of COMIFAC and as the Representative of the Minister of Water and Forests and he had two speeches in distress, namely:
– A word from the GIZ Program Director;
– ban on the Introductory Speech of the COMIFAC National Coordinator who was representing the Minister.
After the opening ceremony, the acceptance of the work program, the issues, the objectives and the expected results were presented.
The agenda for the workshop was based on the presentation:
– on Biodiversity and Sustainable Development Tri-national Landscape Project Dja-Odzal-Minkébé (TRIDOM) and its indicators;
– the major issues and challenges related to the sustainable management of Ivindo National Park;
– the major issues and challenges related to the sustainable management of Minkébé National Park;
– the major issues and challenges related to the sustainable management of Mwagna National Park;
– ProTRIDOM Gabon segment action maps and results models;
– the synthesis of activities selected for a common intervention approach in the TRIDOM landscape;
– terms of reference for group work and the composition of those groups.
The presentations were followed by discussions which allowed participants to gain a better understanding of the project and make suggestions.
In addition, group work was carried out on the themes below, and the results were communicated to the plenary session. These include:
– Group 1: Institutional support;
– Group 2: Coordination mechanisms;
– Group 3: The Private Sector
– Group 4: Local development.
Finally, before formulating the recommendations, the participants discussed the mechanisms to implement the project through its operation and the distribution key by country of the coverage allocated to that project. On these matters, the Technical Planning and Execution Committee will make a decision in due course and a detailed organizational chart will be drawn up.
However, pending the installation of the Oyem Project Office, the day-to-day affairs will be handled by the GIZ Program Director in consultation with the COMIFAC National Coordinator who was immediately tasked with establishing a platform for stakeholder exchange.
At the end of the work, the participants expressed their satisfaction that they contributed to the development of this project and expressed their sincere gratitude to the authorities of the host country for the facilities provided that enabled the success of this meeting , for COMIFAC for the strategic strategy. vision, the revival of cross-border cooperation in the conservation of biodiversity and sustainable development in the TRIDOM landscape in general and in the Gabon segment in particular and finally to GIZ for its technical and financial support.
Done at Oyem, September 20, 2024
The participants
#Launch #operational #planning #workshop #Gabonews