Lawsuit against Kalit: an 11-year delay in diagnosing multiple sclerosis

by time news

A medical malpractice lawsuit filed by a multiple sclerosis patient (39) was recently submitted to the Haifa District Court against Klalit Health Services. In Vaint it was reported that according to him the doctors negligently interpreted an MRI examination that showed that the disease had begun to nest in his body, and the years that passed without receiving appropriate treatment worsened his condition.

In 2009, the plaintiff began to suffer from pain and weakness in his hand and sought orthopedic treatment. That day he was examined at the hospital and released with a referral for an MRI. The interpretation of the test revealed suspicious findings regarding the development of multiple sclerosis in his body, but according to him his family doctor ignored them.

In the statement of claim, submitted through attorney Eyal Ben Yishai, he detailed the alleged negligence of the doctors: according to him, at one point he felt a blur in his left eye and went to an ophthalmologist, who stated in the summary of the visit that “multiple sclerosis must be ruled out.” According to him, later he claims , on suspicion of attention and concentration problems, his doctor referred him to a neurological consultation, but without including his medical history. It turned out that even in this visit, an opportunity to diagnose his condition was missed. Because of this, he was prevented from receiving appropriate drug treatment that could have suppressed the spread of the lesions in his body.

According to the report in Vaint, it was only at the end of 2020, when a neurologist from the HMO examined him due to complaints of heaviness and weakness in his leg, that the mystery was cracked. She became aware of the investigation from 2009 and wrote that she “does not see the case as a continuation of investigation or treatment.” Only then, 11 years late, did the plaintiff realize that his medical condition was serious. According to him, his world collapsed on him, he was fired from his job and his family fell apart. The lawsuit states that he “remained alone in the world, and due to lack of pocket money he dined and supported himself at his brother’s table.”

Despite Wynette’s request, no response was received from Klalit Health Services.

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