Leaving the other fruits behind: these are the amazing benefits of apples

by time news

Apples are one of the most common and favorite fruits for many of us, and include nutrients that help maintain our health, as well as fiber in a higher amount than other fruits. Apples also contain important vitamins such as vitamin C and K, potassium, beta-carotene and folic acid. In addition, we will find what surprising benefits apples have on our bodies.

Nutritional information about apples (data refers to a single apple):
• Calories: 126
• Fat: 0.6 grams
• Carbohydrates: 33.4 grams
• Fiber: 5.8 grams
• Sugar: 25.1 grams

help maintain weight
According to a report published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, eating apples has been shown to help reduce appetite. In doing so, this can help control weight as a feeling of satiety will lead to a lower intake of calories.

Reduce the risk of diabetes
According to the results of the same study, eating apples was able to help reduce the risk of developing diabetes by 18%.

Help prevent heart disease and help the brain
The polyphenols found in apples can help protect against heart disease. Also, quercetin, a chemical found in apples, has been found to aid brain health.

contain antioxidants
Quercetin, a specific type of polyphenol in apples, can help in a number of areas related to general health since it contains antioxidants, meaning it can help the body fight off accumulated damage as we age. It can help with inflammatory problems in general, but especially can help fight Alzheimer’s.

Lower bad cholesterol in the blood
According to a 2019 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, people with high cholesterol who consumed two apples a day lowered their “bad” cholesterol and increased blood vessel dilation, which may reduce the risk of heart disease.

Help lower blood pressure
An American study published in 2020 found that foods rich in flavonols, such as apples, can help lower blood pressure.

Improve the intestinal bacteria
Eating apples on a regular basis can help increase beneficial gut bacteria. According to a 2017 study published in the journal Nutrients, consuming different types of apples increased the number of beneficial actinomycetes in subjects’ intestines.

Protects dental health
Although sometimes the pieces of apples get caught in our teeth, another American study from 2018 published in the journal PLoS One, found that eating apples reduces the sensitivity of bacteria in our mouth, and may keep the tooth enamel white with less chance of deterioration over time.

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