Legislative 2017: Thierry Solère retains the 9th district of Hauts-de-Seine

by time news

It is no surprise that the right’s “primary gentleman”, Thierry Solère, bends the match this Sunday against the diverse-right candidate, Marie-Laure Godin (DVD) with 56.53% of the vote against 43.47% . Entered the National Assembly in 2012, the vice-president of the department of Hauts-de-Seine therefore returns for five years in the hemicycle.

“We want to vote for all the reforms that go in the right direction. Anything that goes in the right direction, we will vote for. This will allow us to be more credible. There will be opposition, I don’t want the Republican right to be there to block things, ”said the victorious candidate.

DIRECT. Legislative: follow the results of the second round

National coordinator of the primaries of the right for the presidential election, then ephemeral spokesperson for François Fillon, Thierry Solère ostensibly displayed “Macron-compatible” the day after the presidential election. A position that led the presidential party, the Republic on the move, not to present any candidate against him, or even to campaign. Prime Minister Edouard Philippe went so far as to officially support him by going to his constituency on the eve of the first round. It is therefore no surprise that Thierry Solère came out on top on Sunday June 11, with 42.6% of the vote, against 31.38% for the right-wing dissident, Marie-Laure Godin.



Results of the first round in the 9th district of Hauts-de-Seine

Thierry SOLÈRE (LR) 42.6%

Marie-Laure GODIN (DVD) 31.38 %

Fabienne GAMBIEZ (RDG) 6.37%

Aminata NIAKATE (ECO) 5.01 %

Nina SMARANDI (FN) 3.21%

Isabelle GOITIA (COM) 2.54%

Claire DE THÉZY (DVD) 1.95 %

Eliott NOUAILLE (DVG) 1.84 %

Talia DELAHAYE (DIV) 1.84%

Bruno RICARD (ECO) 1.42%

Olivier FOUQUERAY (DIV) 0.69%

Charles RAMARE (DIV) 0.61%

Délissia SOUSTIEL (EXG) 0.55 %

Abstention was in this constituency of 46.66% of registered voters.

Presidential election 2017. In the first round of the presidential election, François Fillon came out on top in this constituency with 44% of the vote. Emmanuel Macron had obtained 32.7% of the vote, Jean-Luc Mélenchon 9.9%, Marine Le Pen 4.9% and Benoît Hamon 4.8%. In the second round, Emmanuel Macron had totaled 88.8% of the vote.

Legislative elections of 2012. Five years ago, in the first round of legislative elections, Thierry Solère, dissident candidate from the right, had won 26.89% of the vote, behind the 30.41% of the official candidate of his party, Claude Guéant. But in the second round, it was finally he who had won by a short header with 39.35% against 38.41%.

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